I've updated the agenda for tomorrows call at 2017-7-11 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & 
Notes<https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8228621>. Please be 
prepared to review the project planning documents.  I need to respond to the 
TSC  on this for their 10/13 call this week.

Our Project Charter<https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/VNF+Requirements+Project> 
identifies the following repo structure.

To help with the project planning and coordination
*         vnfrqts/guidelines
*         vnfrqts/requirements
*         vnfrqts/epics
*         vnfrqts/usecases
*         vnfrqts/testcases
To help with the project planning, please respond to this email with  how much 
or your time you expect to be able to put towards each deliverable type for 
Release A.
e.g. -
*         vnfrqts/guidelines        0%
*         vnfrqts/requirements   10%
*         vnfrqts/epics                10%
*         vnfrqts/usecases         5%
*         vnfrqts/testcases         0%
( or whatever your effort level is expected to be for the different types of 

best regards
Steven Wright, MBA, PhD, JD.
[Tech Integration]
AT&T Services Inc.
1057 Lenox Park Blvd NE, STE 4D28
Atlanta, GA 30319
P: 470.415.3156


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