Hi Michael and SDC team,

Would you please take a look at the slides at the following link and see if the 
requirements to SDC look good? The use case subcommittee would like to finish 
the use case analysis by the end of this week. If you have any comments please 
let us know by then. If everything looks good please ensure that the 
requirements are included in your R1 planning.


Also we have the following questions related to SDC. Appreciate if you could 
provide comments/answers by the end of this week. You can either use email or 
update the wiki page directly: 

Q1. The output of SDC will include a variety of files (csar, xml, yang, etc) 
being distributed to multiple modules, SO, AAI, Policy, etc. Can we create a 
document to specify the details, including package structure, format, usage, 
etc. There are NSD and VNFD specs on the VF-C page (refer 
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/VF-C+R1+Deliverables). Does ONAP use them as 
generic spec?

Q2. For VoLTE, the input is TOSCA. SDC please confirm whether TOSCA input will 
be supported or not.


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