Hi Michael, 

    VF-C team has some issues that need to be confirmed by SDC team.

1.       About SDC API(This has been listed in the blokers wiki page)

In SDC API document, we didn’t see the registration and notification API
,can you provide this API for us.

How does the SDC Resource / Service Categories fits to the VoLTE case? for
exmaple spgw/ims etc in which Categories/subCategory?

2.       VNF package 

We want to know the VNF CSAR package format exported from SDC, can you give
us an example, we want to confirm whether the package has some format

     2.  NS package

       Whether to support ELAN VL, which can be shared among VNFs.

       Whether the metadata can be extended, from VF-C side we need some
fields ,such as controlinfo, vnfminfo,..etc, so we want to know Whether SDC
support metadata extension   

          Whether the NS package exported from SDC support TOSCA simple
profile and standard, we want to confirm that these packages can be handled
by parsers.


Hopefully we can get feedback from SDC team asap. If you want to know more
details about these questions, we can also set a conf call. I suggest one
time on Wednesday UTC 12:00/China 20:00. If you think it’s ok, I will send
an invitation to you.



Best Regards,


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