
My comments are embedded.

@Michal, @Eden – could you please help with the three questions about ELAN VL, 
service and VNF package, and the Parser?


From: zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn [mailto:zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 2:57 AM
To: SHADMI, DAVID <ds2...@att.com>
Cc: LANDO, MICHAEL <ml6...@intl.att.com>; yangya...@chinamobile.com; 
denglin...@chinamobile.com; meng.zhaoxi...@zte.com.cn; 
onap-discuss@lists.onap.org; ROZIN, EDEN <er4...@intl.att.com>
Subject: 答复: RE: RE: RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

hi david

    thanks, david. a few questions below.

    #2 - SDC is planning to allow onboarding VNFSDK0-validated TOSCA VNF 
packages in R1. Also, SDC is planning to add Open-O TOSCA types.

    [Maopeng]does the SDC plan to add open-o TOSCA Type in R1? [David] Yes. 
That is the plan. The types’ namespace would follow OpenECOMP convention.

    #3 – @Michael – Could you please make sure we the node type definition 
file(s) for VF and Service exist in the wiki. @Maopeng  - could you please 
elaborate more on the node type you would like to add.

     [Maopeng] If SDC can import openo tosca type in R1, I have no more node 
type to add.  But in the design time, we can desgin different VNF base on the 
VF node type and VNF package.

    #5 – Please see enclosed email.

     [Maopeng]  Thanks. For the NS , the new parameter serviceType and 
serviceRole I think is ok.  For the VF, we need the vnfminfo. what's about your 
advice? Thanks. [David] What information the vnfminfo has?

   These questions still need your advices.

   1\ Whether to support ELAN VL, which can be shared among VNFs.

          [Maopeng ] now the SDC supports VL, but it is automatically produced. 
 Now I can design the Eline type VL, but for the VoLTE case , we need    
multiple VNFs share one VL.

                              what's the automatic rule of VL creating? How to 
design it? could you show with us. thanks.

            [Michael: David can you respond?]

   2\The service package and vnf package CSAR in the SDC catalog, please share 
them. Thanks

   3\ About the parser, VFC written in python can not use the java lib  

                          Oneway:  If in the SDC can provide the REST API & 
JSON output, it will be welcome for R1

                          The other way: the CSAR output of SDC follow the  
OASIS tosca simple profile, it can be parsed by other parsers.
                                             If the output is not standard, we 
need to know which part is not standard, and can it be fixed in the R1?

Best Regards

发件人: <ds2...@att.com<mailto:ds2...@att.com>>;
收件人:张茂鹏10030173; <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>;
抄送人: <yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>>; 
日 期 :2017年08月10日 12:07
主 题 :RE: RE: RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C


#2 - SDC is planning to allow onboarding VNFSDK0-validated TOSCA VNF packages 
in R1. Also, SDC is planning to add Open-O TOSCA types.
#3 – @Michael – Could you please make sure we the node type definition file(s) 
for VF and Service exist in the wiki. @Maopeng  - could you please elaborate 
more on the node type you would like to add.
#5 – Please see enclosed email.


From: zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn<mailto:zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:15 PM
To: LANDO, MICHAEL <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>; SHADMI, 
DAVID <ds2...@att.com<mailto:ds2...@att.com>>
Cc: yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>; 
onap-discuss@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>; ROZIN, EDEN 
Subject: 答复: RE: RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

hi micheal & david

         Thanks micheal

          Now many advices need David to answer. If the email can reply, it 
will be OK.  Possible, meeting & email may be more effective way.

         The service package and vnf package CSAR in the SDC catalog, please 
share them. Thanks

          About the parser, VFC written in python can not use the java lib  

                          Oneway:  If in the SDC can provide the REST API & 
JSON output, it will be welcome for R1

                          The other way: the CSAR output of SDC follow the  
OASIS tosca simple profile, it can be parsed by other parsers.
                                             If the output is not standard, we 
need to know which part is not standard, and can it be fixed in the R1?

Best Regards

发件人: <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>;
抄送人: <yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>>; 
日 期 :2017年08月10日 03:27
主 题 :RE: RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C


Michael Lando
Opensource & Frontend Team Lead, SDC
AT&T Network Application Development · NetCom
Tel Aviv | Tampa | Atlanta | New Jersey |Chicago
Office: +972 (3) 5451487
Mobile: +972 (54) 7833603
e-mail: ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>

From: zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn<mailto:zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 7:09 PM
To: Lando,Michael <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>
Cc: yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>; SHADMI, DAVID 
Subject: 答复: RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

Hi Michael

    thanks for your reply.

    1. For the api document,  I really need more time to read it. For R1, the 
VFC team main funciton is to get the distributed Service CSAR and VF CSAR from 
SDC catalog. thanks.

    2. About the VNF package, thanks for sharing the vFW/vDNS CSAR. Is the 
Tosca onboarding function release on R1?  which tosca profile does the SDC 
follows in R1? does the VNF vendor need to follow it? thanks.  [Michael: David  
 please advise]

    3. About the service package, please provide the CSAR example for R1. In 
the wiki page, SDC_TOSCA_AID_1710 document has no nodes definitions, such as 
service, VF, VL,etc. could you provide the nodes definition for R1 in the wiki? 
 could SDC support adding   new node type? such as VF, could we add a new VFXX 
extending from VF via SDC GUI, and not changing the SDC code? [Michael: David 
please advise]

   4. Parser is also an issue.  Now there are many parsers. but which one can 
match the SDC output?  is the SDC output CSAR align with OASIS tosca simple 
profile 1.0?

      Could the SDC parser provide the REST API?

                [Michael: the SDC parser can match our output I cannot speak 
for the other parsers. The SDC parser comes in the form of a jar that you will 
need to integrate as  a library into your code so no rest api is needed  here]

    5. The NS package questions about VL and parameter controlinfo and 
vnfminfo, please DAVID help me.

[Michael: David please advise]

   If possible, I will reserve a  zoom meeting in 21:00 2017/810 (UTC+8).  I 
can prepare an slide from VFC side and needs the SDC team help us.

[MIcheal: what would you need from us for this call?]


发件人: <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>;
收件人:张茂鹏10030173; <yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>>; 
日 期 :2017年08月09日 20:00
主 题 :RE: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

Michael Lando
Opensource & Frontend Team Lead, SDC
AT&T Network Application Development · NetCom
Tel Aviv | Tampa | Atlanta | New Jersey |Chicago
Office:  +972 (3) 5451487
Mobile:  +972 (54) 7833603
e-mail: ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>

From: zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn<mailto:zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 2:05 PM
To: yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>; Lando,Michael 
<ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>; SHADMI, DAVID 
Cc: denglin...@chinamobile.com<mailto:denglin...@chinamobile.com>; 
Subject: 答复: [sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

Hi Michael & David & Yan,

I refesh the questions, and hope the SDC team can give some answers. I also 
think we need an meeting to discuss these issues. Thanks.

In SDC API document, we didn’t see the registration and notification API ,can 
you provide this API for us.

[Maopeng ]   thanks for micheal share the document, 

                     we will review it and It is very complicated api document.

                     If Micheal can give an example to the VFC team,  it will 
be great for the whole team.

                [Michael] I can give an explanation after you review the 
document. If you can provide me in advance what exactly are you interested   in 
I will be able to prepper for the meeting.

                [Maopeng]  There are two ways to get the package from the SDC: 
one is by the distribution api; the other is by the catalog api. For  R1, the 
distribution api is dependon the client

How does the SDC Resource / Service Categories fits to the VoLTE case? for 
exmaple spgw/ims etc in which Categories/subCategory?

[Maopeng ]  Service categories can be defined by the administrator via the GUI. 
 I think if we need new categories    or subcategories, we can add it via the 
GUI. Right?

[MIchael] categories can be add using the UI but that will mean that for each 
new system you will need to manually add them. The correct approach for this is 
to add them to our pre   load script so that on startup the configuration  will 
be available.

2.       VNF package

We want to know the VNF CSAR package format exported from SDC, can you give us 
an example, we want to confirm whether the package has some format restrictions.

[Maopeng ] In the R1,  VNFSDK bundles a VNF package, and import to the SDC. VFC 
get the VNF package from the    SDC catalog.

                   Is the    VNF package defined in the VNFSDK or SDC for R1? 
What's the VNF package format for VFC in R1?

                [Michael] since we are now still developing the Tosca 
onboarding I cannot provide you the exact output. I can   share an example of 
the CSAR we currently create  for the vFW/vDNS use case.

 [maopeng]  OK, thanks for sharing the vFW/vDNS CSAR.

                    Is the Tosca onboarding function release on R1?  which 
tosca profile does the SDC follows in R1? does the VNF vendor need to follow 
it? thanks.

     2.  NS package

       Whether to support ELAN VL, which can be shared among VNFs.

          [Maopeng ] now the SDC supports VL, but it is automatically produced. 
 Now I can design the Eline type VL, but for the VoLTE case , we need    
multiple VNFs share one VL.

                              what's the automatic rule of VL creating? How to 
design it? could you show with us. thanks.

            [Michael: David can you respond?]

       Whether the metadata can be extended, from VF-C side we need some fields 
,such as controlinfo, vnfminfo,..etc, so we want to know Whether SDC support 
metadata extension

          [Maopeng ] In VoLTE case we need the conrollerinfo in service to 
identify the NS and need the VNFM info in VF to identify the SVNFM.

                             If the SDC team can add the parameter in the 
metadata, it will be useful for the VFC  team.

                             In the meeting of SO and SDC, DAVID suggests use 
the category parameter of metadata.  It can work, but not clear for user.

                [Michael: David can you assist?]

Best Regards

发件人: <yangya...@chinamobile.com<mailto:yangya...@chinamobile.com>>;
收件人: <ml6...@intl.att.com<mailto:ml6...@intl.att.com>>;张茂鹏10030173;    
日 期 :2017年08月08日 18:13
主 题 :[sdc][vfc] SDC questions from VF-C

Hi Michael,
    VF-C team has some issues that need to be confirmed by SDC team.

1.      About SDC API(This has been listed in the blokers wiki page)
In SDC API document, we didn’t see the registration and notification API ,can 
you provide this API for us.

How does the SDC Resource / Service Categories fits to the VoLTE case? for 
exmaple spgw/ims etc in which Categories/subCategory?

2.      VNF package

We want to know the VNF CSAR package format exported from SDC, can you give us 
an example, we want to confirm whether the package has some format restrictions.
     2.  NS package
       Whether to support ELAN VL, which can be shared among VNFs.
       Whether the metadata can be extended, from VF-C side we need some fields 
,such as controlinfo, vnfminfo,..etc, so we want to know Whether SDC support 
metadata extension
          Whether the NS package exported from SDC support TOSCA simple profile 
and standard, we want to confirm that these packages can be handled by parsers.

Hopefully we can get feedback from SDC team asap. If you want to know more 
details about these questions, we can also set a conf call. I suggest one time 
on Wednesday UTC 12:00/China    20:00. If you think it’s ok, I will send an 
invitation to you.

Best Regards,

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