Thanks to everyone for participating on today's call. The recording is now 
available, and has been posted to the wiki.

I want to check consensus from the call to make sure we all have a common 
understanding.  We are looking for common ground on the CSAR format for R1 that 
can be supported by VNFSDK, SDC, VFC, and the VoLTE VNFs.  We heard two 
presentations, and there was a consensus to base the CSAR format on SOL-004.  
There was a difference of opinion as to whether to support Option 1 (including 
a metadata directory) or Option 2 (including a manifest file but no data 
directory).  Long term, we heard interest in Option 2, but several of the 
developers across several projects mentioned that they would have trouble 
implementing it for R1, and that Option 1 could be more readily adopted.

Accordingly, we agreed:
*       We will support Option 1 in R1 across VNFSDK, SDC, and VFC.
*       The VNFSDK modeling subproject will develop a guideline on the 
long-term direction before the end of the release. It will be based on SOL-004. 
Part of the guideline should include a transition plan (if necessary)
*       We will coordinate between VNFSDK, SDC, and VFC to support the 
guideline in the R2 timeframe.

Please let me know if I missed or misstated anything.


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