
   Two issuses feedback:

   1.    can the CSAR structure be aligned according to the request to have the 
service template yaml and mf in the root level (owner Meopeng)


                          This issue is more related to the VNF vendors. The 
below is the infomation I get.

                           In the wiki page CSAR structure, it combines the 
ETSI or OASIS option1 and option2.  it is almost a new one and has more 
duplicated contents.

                            Our aim is to support both option1 and option2 in 
SDC,  and then it is an temporary solution because of the develop time just for 

                            ZTE will support to add the files in the root level 
for the VoLTE case in R1 as an temporary solution

                            I get the infomation from Victor.gao thatHuawei 
will also  support to add the files in the root level for the VoLTE case in R1.

   2.    VF-C team to provide the list of artifacts that would be included in 
the onboarded VNF and used by VF-C (owner Meoperg)


                          1.  In R1, because SDC does not support the image 
storage,   VF-C(NFVO) has no artifacts to deal in  the VNF package. In the R2, 
VFC will cooperate with SDC to implicate the VNF image upload function.

                          2.   In R1, VF-C(NFVO) will use plan folfder in 
artifacts  to store the workflow files for the NS packages

                          3.  In R1, the VNF vendoer has requirements to  add 
somefolders in artifacts, which is related to the VNF vendors. 

                          4.  In R2+, VF-C(GVNFM) will have the requirement for 
the artifacts in VNF packages




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日 期 :2017年08月29日 05:46
主 题 :[onap-discuss] SDC weekly meeting notes 28/8

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