I have answered what I could inline but Mike has clarify the second:

Q: Is the complete entry point information of the config binding service 
included in the ENV variable `CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE` so that we could use the 
value of this variable to access the config binding service?

Right now we do not have Consul’s DNS in the installation yet, so no. Currently 
the name CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE just points to the string 
“config_binding_service”, which is the name that the CBS is registered in in 
Consul. You will need to look that up in Consul first via Consul’s service 
discovery layer. There is a CBS client library for python here that you can 
look at to understand (or use if your code is Python): 

Q: What if we want to expose more than one ENV(not limited to the `port` only) 
variables using the EXPOSE instruction? Is that supported?

I think you can do this but Mike has to clarify.


API Doc: service-discovery.md

Q: There's no detailed specification on service discovery. Do I miss it or is 
it not provided yet? If it's not provided, when will that be uploaded to the 
gerrit repo? This interface is quite crutial for us.

If you use the CBS, it handles this for you.
Essentially you will describe your expected interfaces via the “streams” and 
“services” part of the component spec. That should be very detailed in the 
documentation. After you do this, when you pull from the CBS, the IP:Ports will 
be automatically given to you as a value under “Config_key” (see documentation 
about “config_key”).

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