Hi all,

Here is the status of functional and non-functional requirements candidates for 
Beijing Release:

1.       Table with merged functional requirements candidates: 

2.       Non-functional requirements candidates 

And…Chag Sameach and Shana Tova to all our Jewish colleagues!

[#ShanaTova from #Jewish Treats! #RoshHashana #Judaism]

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Alla Goldner
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 5:21 PM
To: 'onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org' <onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org>
Cc: 'Kenny Paul' <kp...@linuxfoundation.org>; 'GILBERT, MAZIN E (MAZIN E)' 
<ma...@research.att.com>; Yoav Kluger <yoav.klu...@amdocs.com>; Andrei Kojukhov 
<andrei.kojuk...@amdocs.com>; 'onap-...@lists.onap.org' 
Subject: RE: Usecase subcommittee meeting 18/09/2017 - the summary

Hi all,

Please see table with merged requirements here: 

1.       I marked all pages previously used for gathering of R2 functional 
requirements as OBSOLETE, as we want to have a single source now and update it 
Note: Non-functional requirement proposals for R2 remain untouched 

2.       We (Alla, Yoav, Andrei) gathered all requirements into a single table 
with the information previously provided by the requirements authors, while 
adding on top of it:

a.       Agreed priority for R2 - this is something to be agreed by the whole 
group (empty for now)

b.      Proposed grouping/harmonization - this is our initial proposal of how 
those requirements may be grouped and this may be used for further requirements 

c.       Proposed ownership - would be beneficial if each group/requirement 
gets under responsibility of a project (if it is a single project related) or 
person (i.e. proceeding with that group in the same way as was done with the 
specific use cases in R1) (empty for now)

The AI are:

1.       Requirements authors - please double check all initial information is 

2.       Requirements authors - please introduce summary/link to some detail 
requirement description in case it is missing. This is needed

3.       All - please review and provide your comments and suggestions for 
modifications/next step of our discussions, concentrating mostly on 
requirements harmonization/importance/relevancy for R2 goal of making ONAP 
Platform more stable

4.       Luman - please extend this table with E-vCPE additional requirements 
as discussed yesterday

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Alla Goldner
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 10:22 PM
To: 'onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org' 
Cc: 'Kenny Paul' <kp...@linuxfoundation.org<mailto:kp...@linuxfoundation.org>>; 
Subject: Usecase subcommittee meeting 18/09/2017 - the summary

Hi all,

Thanks to all meeting’s attendants!
Here is the summary:

1.       All R2 use cases were updated with the list of their corresponding 
functional requirements - thanks a lot to the authors!!! Some of the 
requirements still need more explanation to be added though

2.       Alla will merge all functional requirements into a single table by 
19/09/2017, then we will work with it for:

a.       Removal of the same requirement appearing multiple times/extension of 
one requirement by functional modifications coming from another one

b.      Making a requirements generic

                                                               i.      We must 
target generic platform requirements (e.g. E-vCPE service onboarding, SDWAN 
service onboarding requirements transform to some generic onboarding functional 
requirement which is not supported by R1)

c.       Prioritization proposal of a different requirements for R2

3.       Then, Luman will also add additional E-vCPE requirements discussed 
during the call to this table

4.       Alla will check whether zoom connection is possible during next week 

5.       Alex will check with Chris whether R2 architecture requirements will 
be included to guide us while prioritizing those functional requirements 

6.       One of the action items to discuss during the next week joint meeting 
with the Architecture subcommittee is NAI/PCE coming from E-vCPE use case (in 
case Luman will be able to connect by zoom)

7.       Non-functional requirements will be discussed jointly by the whole TSC 
(interested people) next week 

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Alla Goldner
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 11:58 AM
To: 'onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org' 
<ma...@research.att.com<mailto:ma...@research.att.com>>; Yoav Kluger 
<yoav.klu...@amdocs.com<mailto:yoav.klu...@amdocs.com>>; Kang Xi 
<kang...@huawei.com<mailto:kang...@huawei.com>>; 'wangchen...@chinamobile.com' 
<wangchen...@chinamobile.com<mailto:wangchen...@chinamobile.com>>; 'Yang Xu 
(Yang, Fixed Network)' <yang....@huawei.com<mailto:yang....@huawei.com>>; 
<emau...@research.att.com<mailto:emau...@research.att.com>>; Long Wan 
<lw2...@nyu.edu<mailto:lw2...@nyu.edu>>; '王路曼' 
<wanglm....@chinatelecom.cn<mailto:wanglm....@chinatelecom.cn>>; Ievgen Zhukov 
Subject: Usecase subcommittee meeting 18/09/2017 - the agenda

Hi all,

Here is agenda for the next meeting. I am distributing it in advance, since 
this is the last meeting before our f2f meeting, and it is important to prepare 
all material towards it.

  1.  R1 use cases: Status and actions, required from Usecase subcommittee 
(vCPE, vVoLTE) (10 min)

2.       R2 use cases status and progress of 3 R2 requirements categories (not 
supported by R1, new for R2, non-functional) (50 min)

(for your reference, the status is below)

a.       Non-functional requirements category - was recently significantly 
extended and this work continues 

b.      R1 missing Platform capabilities. This lists requires more work 
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Missing+Platform+capabilities . Use cases 
(R-vCPE, vVoLTE) said they will be able to extend/work on this list till the 
next week meeting

c.       R2 new requirements extracted from the new use cases proposals 

                                                               i.      5G task 
force has added table consisting of those requirements 

SD-WAN/Enterprise vCPE and ONAP Change Management task forces are committed to 
do the same till the next week meeting

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


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