Helen at al, 
Openstack up to Ocata can support keystome V2.0, At least Ocata supports 
even both versions at in parallel. See in the wiki here 
and scroll down to the headline "How to use both v2 and v3 Openstack 
Keystone API". No sure what happens post-Ocata, I guess a move to V3 is 
for sure needed at some point in time  in the future. For now I would call 
it safe to keep V2.0 until Amsterdam and put it on the roadmap for one of 
the post-A'dam releases. As far as I understood glancing over both APIs, 
there is quite a difference between them which requires some effort.
Viriginie, the author of the chapter in the Wiki, is unfortunately not 
in-house today, otherwise I would have asked her to join the call and 
explain a bit more verbally.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards 
Josef Reisinger 
Heads Up: I will be o-o-o 6.10.2017-3.11.201


When: Thursday, September 21, 2017 8:00 AM-9:00 AM. (UTC-08:00) Pacific 
Time (US & Canada)
Where: https://zoom.us/j/4466668888


A little bit context:

At current integration lab, it has OpenStack Newton, however,

?The version of the Cloudify OpenStack plugin that DACEGEN2 uses is not 
compatible with the Identity API that is current provided by the tenant 
for DCAE, which is v3.  The compatible Identity API version is v2.0.  For 
example https://${hostname}:5000/v2.0<

Can the v2.0 Identity API be added? ?


>  Keystone v2.0 was deprecated after Open Stack Liberty.


For this meeting, we?d like to bring in related stakeholders together to 
get a solution for this:

   1.       Should DCAE team upgrade cloudify openstack plugin


   2.        Pick an earlier Openstack version to support it?

Any special requirement from lab or ONAP to support specific version? And 
what?s the effort?

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