Hi Lusheng & Vijay,

I'm sorry that I did receive two blueprints from you team but I was too busy to 
have a glance at them. I'm sending them out again because I have updated the 
component-spec files a little bit, removing some sub/pub information, updating 
the holmes rule and removing a redundant rule. I would appreciate it if your 
team could help to update the blueprints accordingly and answer the questions 

for the pub/sub sections, I specified the config_key as "sec_fault_output" and 
"dcae_cl_output" and assigned a random version to them. I'm not sure about the 
actual keys and versions which are going to be used eventually. If possible, 
could you please tell me the config_keys and versions that are written in the 
TCA spec files for both of DMaaP and Policy? I want to use those keys as well 
to ensure that we could get the correct DMaaP topics. As you know, in R1, TCA 
and Holmes share the same topics.

for the config_key of MSB, I make it "msb_config" in both component-spec files. 
Will it be feasible from DCAE perspective? I think the key is supposed to be 
determined by DCAE becasue I'm not sure whether other DCAE components use MSB 
as well.

for the data format names, I mocked them up becasue I don't know the real name 
for the VES and CL event data format. I think they're commonly shared by all 
relevant DCAE components, so it will be great if the DCAE team help to provide 
the name of the data formats and update the configurations in the 
component-spec files and blueprints of Holmes accordingly.

for the data format names of MSB, becasue I defined the data format all by 
myself. I just set them to the name I wrote in the format-spec files. What I'm 
not sure about is whether the data formats defined in the holmes-data-format.7z 
are ok or not.

for the uri of the artifacts, the version of the docker should be changed in to 
1.0.0 before ONAPAmsterdam is released.

For the commands to spin up Holmes, you could find them here: 

Another question is that on the wiki page 
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/MicroServices+Onboarding, you provided a 
snippet of codes to show us how to get cofigurations from the DCAE Consul and 
the CBS. In the snippet, you used keys "CONSUL_HOST" and 
"CONFIG_BINGDING_SERVICE" to retrieve the host names of those two components 
from the environment variables. May I know the actual value of those variables? 
This is to ensure that we could use the correct host names to access the 
corresponding services.

My last question is that could you please provide some brief introduction or 
tutorial to tell us how to use Cloudify along with the blueprints you provide 
to bring up Holmes? I have no experience in using Cloudify.

I'll reach out if I come up with any questions or problems in the coming couple 
of weeks.



付光荣/Guangrong Fu

网管软件开发工程师 Network Management System Development Engineer
网管及服务开发二部/中心研究院/系统产品 Network Management & Service Development Dept. II/Central 
R&D Institute/System Product

A/6F, ZTE Corporation Building, No. 800, Tianfu Avenue, Hi-tech District, 
Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China, 610041
M: +86 18981880855 
E: fu.guangr...@zte.com.cn

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