Greetings Morgan,

First, as ONAP is an open source project, please ask your questions out
in the public. Closed door discussions do not help the community. As
such, I've added the ONAP discuss list.

Second, global-jjb is an also open source and anyone can contribute to
it. The project generally sees a release every 2 weeks, though we do
sometimes do off cycle point releases to fix bugs. You just need to
contribute in the LF gerrit [0] as global-jjb is shared by all of the
projects that engage LF Release Engineering services.



On 11/13/2017 05:46 AM, wrote:
> Hi
> do you think it would be possible to add a documentation gating on the
> generic macro?
> the idea would be for any repo, if "docs" sub-directory exists, to
> perform a doc8 check
> it will avoid hundreds of Warnings and Errors and provide a better
> overall quality
> Each project will remain responsible of the integrity of its rst files,
> the doc project cannot be responsible for the rst of all the projects
> My idea would be to add "ci-management-doc" in {project}-verify-jjb as
> we have a check unicode
> (
> ci-management-doc will be declared in
> - builder:
>     name: ci-management-check-doc
>     builders:
>       - shell: |
>           $WORKSPACE/scripts/
> and check-code will perform a simple doc8 check (see
> or create
> virtual env and run a tox -edocs on each repo on patch submission
> jenkins jobs env is not always easy to setup, is there any sandbox to
> test jenkins jobs in ONAP?
> if errors => jenkins vote -1
> at the beginning some projects may have to fix their doc errors...before
> getting a +1 from jenkins, but the sooner the better...
> most of the projects are already clean on this aspect
> in // I strongly suggest to add the -W option in the docs project when
> generating sphinx documentation. -W means Warnings = Errors, jenkins
> will vote -1 if there is 1 Warning. This option is adopted in OpenStack
> and some OPNFV projects.
> As for the project gating, at the beginning some people may complain but
> at the end it is better for the community...
> what is your view?
> Who is contributing to the generic jobs/macros? Shall I suggest a patch
> (as said I am blind to I assume ci-management team (Andrew?)
> would have a better view on how to do this)
> shall I open a ticket in helpdesk?
> Thanks
> /Morgan
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Andrew J Grimberg
Lead, IT Release Engineering
The Linux Foundation

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