Hi PTLs,

This is to follow up on the discussion we had earlier today at PTL weekly 
meeting regarding Beijing Functional Requirements.

I summarized in a single table the functional 
the PTLs are committing for Beijing Release.

So far, I had the chance to discuss with some of you to review the table.
For those I have not discussed yet with (sorry, it is a matter of geographical 
location), feel free to edit the table or contact me for any questions you may 
have. A 5-10 minutes zoom meeting<https://zoom.us/j/2229355644> worth the time.
Use the comment column to clearly state why a requirement is "NA" or "No". Feel 
to free to re-use current statements like "Not enough resource", "Requirement 
not clear", "Not priority", "Requirement owner did not reach out",...

It is critical we communicate clearly ahead on Beijing Release functional 
Requirement scope. During M1 review on Thursday, the clock will be ticking and 
we will not have time to discuss the details.

Let me know if you have any questions, I will be glad to help.


Gildas Lanilis
ONAP Release Manager
Santa Clara CA, USA
Mobile: 1 415 238 6287

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