
I was able to compile the sdk and login using demo/demo, by cloning the 
"Amsterdam" version of the code, instead of the latest version.

Now, where can I find the correct URLs for the portal.properties file for the 
variables below, how are they defined ? Is there a reference document I can use 

# Name of java class that implements the OnBoardingApiService interface.
portal.api.impl.class = org.openecomp.portalapp.service.OnBoardingApiServiceImpl

# URL of the Portal where this app is onboarded
ecomp_redirect_url = http://portal.onap.org:8989/onapportal/process_csp

# URL of the ECOMP Portal REST API
ecomp_rest_url = http://portal.onap.org:50580/ecompportal/auxapi

# Applications do not need to run a UEB listener after 1607.
ueb_listeners_enable = false

# UEB Configuration
# If key ueb_listeners_enable is set to false,
# then only the ueb_app_key is required.


Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi
Orange Labs Egypt
Email: abdelmuhaimen.sea...@orange.com<mailto:abdelmuhaimen.sea...@orange.com>
Mobile: +2012 84644 733

From: SEAUDI Abdelmuhaimen OBS/CSO
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 10:20 PM
To: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
Subject: cannot login to the portal sdk


After I compiled the portal sdk as describe in the tutorial 

When I try to login using demo/demo, it gives me error: 

The catalina.out logs show the following:
Hibernate: select app0_.app_id as app_id1_14_, app0_.app_name as app_name2_14_, 
app0_.app_password as app_pass3_14_, app0_.app_username as app_user4_14_, 
app0_.app_image_url as app_imag5_14_, app0_.app_description as app_desc6_14_, 
app0_.app_notes as app_note7_14_, app0_.app_url as app_url8_14_, 
app0_.app_alternate_url as app_alte9_14_, app0_.app_rest_endpoint as 
app_res10_14_, app0_.ml_app_name as ml_app_11_14_, app0_.ml_app_admin_id as 
ml_app_12_14_, app0_.mots_id as mots_id13_14_, app0_.open as open14_14_, 
app0_.enabled as enabled15_14_, app0_.thumbnail as thumbna16_14_, app0_.ueb_key 
as ueb_key17_14_, app0_.ueb_secret as ueb_sec18_14_, app0_.ueb_topic_name as 
ueb_top19_14_ from fn_app app0_ where app0_.app_id=1
Hibernate: select user0_.user_id as user_id1_8_, user0_.org_id as org_id2_8_, 
user0_.manager_id as manager_3_8_, user0_.first_name as first_na4_8_, 
user0_.middle_name as middle_n5_8_, user0_.last_name as last_nam6_8_, 
user0_.phone as phone7_8_, user0_.fax as fax8_8_, user0_.cellular as 
cellular9_8_, user0_.email as email10_8_, user0_.address_id as address11_8_, 
user0_.alert_method_cd as alert_m12_8_, user0_.address_line_1 as address13_8_, 
user0_.address_line_2 as address14_8_, user0_.city as city15_8_, 
user0_.state_cd as state_c16_8_, user0_.zip_code as zip_cod17_8_, 
user0_.country_cd as country18_8_, user0_.hrid as hrid19_8_, user0_.org_user_id 
as org_use20_8_, user0_.org_code as org_cod21_8_, user0_.login_id as 
login_i22_8_, user0_.login_pwd as login_p23_8_, user0_.last_login_date as 
last_lo24_8_, user0_.location_clli as locatio25_8_, user0_.org_manager_userid 
as org_man26_8_, user0_.company as company27_8_, user0_.department as 
departm28_8_, user0_.department_name as departm29_8_, user0_.business_unit as 
busines30_8_, user0_.business_unit_name as busines31_8_, user0_.job_title as 
job_tit32_8_, user0_.silo_status as silo_st33_8_, user0_.fin_loc_code as 
fin_loc34_8_, user0_.active_yn as active_35_8_, user0_.is_internal_yn as 
is_inte36_8_, user0_.created_date as created37_8_, user0_.modified_date as 
modifie38_8_, user0_.created_id as created39_8_, user0_.modified_id as 
modifie40_8_, user0_.timezone as timezon41_8_ from FN_USER user0_ where 
user0_.login_id=? and user0_.login_pwd=?
Hibernate: select rolefuncti0_.function_cd as function1_0_, 
rolefuncti0_.function_name as function2_0_ from FN_FUNCTION rolefuncti0_

What is preventing me from logging in ?


Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi
Orange Labs Egypt
Email: abdelmuhaimen.sea...@orange.com<mailto:abdelmuhaimen.sea...@orange.com>
Mobile: +2012 84644 733


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