Hi Huabing,

I agree with you service mesh technologies are best as it takes away majority 
of housekeeping work away from the ONAP service developers – Authenticating 
peers, Authorization of peers requests,  Secure communication (Mutual TLS),  
visibility and more.

Great that you intend to show istio demo.

I guess istio.io CA for certificate enrollment will be used and ENVOY proxy for 
Mutual TLS endpoint will be leveraged. In security project, we are also 
thinking of enabling isito.io CA (some modifications are needed) to take 
advantage of HSMs and also providing CA keys security rooted in HW.

When are you planning to show the demo?


From: onap-discuss-boun...@lists.onap.org 
[mailto:onap-discuss-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 1:26 AM
To: tli...@redhat.com
Cc: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] Some thoughts about ONAP MicroserviceArchitecture 
for Casablanca and beyond: Service Mesh,Centralized Authentication and unified 
API standards

Hi Tal,

Good points.

1.     You're right, Istio is still not production ready while service mesh 
approach is very promising, We're trying to set up a demo with ONAP to 
demonstrate its benefits.

2.     I agree that most of the APIs we have now are not "REST", actually 
sometimes it's difficult to make the HTTP APIs "100%" REST, but we still need a 
standard for all the "HTTP" or "REST-like" APIs to make the APIs more friendly 
for the ONAP developers and users. Just feel free to edit the wiki page, it's 
an input for improvement:-).


发件人:TalLiron <tli...@redhat.com<mailto:tli...@redhat.com>>
日 期 :2018年03月14日 14:06
主 题 :Re: [onap-discuss] Some thoughts about ONAP MicroserviceArchitecture for 
Casablanca and beyond: Service Mesh,Centralized Authentication and unified API 
onap-discuss mailing list
Hi Huabing,

We have some good experience with Itsio and would love to be part of the 
conversation. It's one of the things we're looking at, too, in terms of 
improving ONAP's currently basic containerization. We are starting by looking 
at OOM but hope to find best practices that could work for all projects. I 
think it's better to convince with a PoC rather than theory in this case, 
because Itsio is indeed quite new, sometimes hard to explain, but its benefits 
are clear when you see them in use.

In terms of our "RESTful" APIs -- this has been a pet peeve of mine for a long 
time, but I wish we would stop calling all our APIs RESTful, when in fact they 
are rarely RESTful in our project. They are simply "HTTP" (or "web") APIs. 
"CRUD" does not map very well onto REST. That said, I applaud your proposal and 
it has many good points. But I would like to make a few comments:

I would add this emphasis: readers should pay attention to the use of POST for 
"create". I've seen many frameworks recommend PUT for "create", which is 
definitely wrong (not exactly: more on that below). POST is the only 
non-idempotent HTTP verb, and as such will guarantee atomicity: the resource 
will not be created twice, even being a proxy.
However, using PUT for "update" is imprecise. Especially your comment that if 
the resource does not exist then PUT would return an error. Here is the 
description of PUT from the HTTP spec:

"The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the    
supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already    existing 
resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a    modified version of 
the one residing on the origin server. If the    Request-URI does not point to 
an existing resource, and that URI is    capable of being defined as a new 
resource by the requesting user    agent, the origin server can create the 
resource with that URI. If a    new resource is created, the origin server MUST 
inform the user agent    via the 201 (Created) response."
So, as you see, PUT is also a kind of "create". But because PUT is idempotent, 
you definitely don't want to support PUT on "/pets/dogs". But PUT on 
"/pets/dogs/bailey" should work. (Even if the request is sent several times, it 
would create/update the same resource, so idempotency is honored).
What does it mean that there are two ways to "create" the resource? Actually, 
they are different. When you POST to "/pets/dogs" you do not yet know the ID of 
the dog. The ID would be created for you (once and only once) and returned in 
the response. However, in some cases you know in advance the ID of the object, 
in which case you should PUT to "/pets/dogs/ID". Then, you would know if it was 
created by checking the status code: 200 for modified or 201 for created. 
(Though note that it's not a good idea to functionally rely on this 
distinction: because PUT is idempotent, there is a chance that more than one 
client would get the 201 response in the case of caching proxies.)
As for APIs that are not CRUD-like, it's important for the designer to think 
twice before using POST, because POST is the least scalable verb (it can never 
be cached). Ask yourself: what would happen if the API got called more than 
once with exactly the same request content? If the answer is "bad things", then 
definitely use POST. (All classic RPC-like "function calls" on web APIs should 
basically use POST.) For all other cases, use PUT or GET as appropriate.
Finally, for your section on HTTP status codes, I would add this emphasis: make 
sure never to return 2XX series success codes in case of an error. I've seen 
APIs return 200 with an error code inside the JSON response. This makes 
exception handling on the client side inconsistent and can lead to bugs.

If we want to do this right, I would go even further and make sure to 1) return 
client caching headers (maxAge, etag, etc.) with every response where 
appropriate, and 2) try to use HTTP clients that support client-side caching. 
(A good caching proxy would do it for you, too.)
If we work with HTTP instead of against it we will improve the scalability and 
reliability of the project because all the compliant 
proxies/gateways/loadbalancers/caches along the way will do the right thing for 

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:00 PM,  
<zhao.huab...@zte.com.cn<mailto:zhao.huab...@zte.com.cn>> wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to share some of my thoughts about ONAP Microservice Architecture for 
Casablanca and beyond

1. Service Mesh

Service Mesh is the next generation of Microservice approach, which can bring 
lots of benefits to ONAP and its users at both the development and operation 
sides. Such as

· the separation of business logic and Microservice 
infrastructure(communication, security, metrics etc)

· allowing free choice of development tech stack

· flexible route rules to enable traffic steering and canary release

· monitoring and tracing visibility

· fault injection for resiliency testing, etc

We should take service mesh into consideration. There are multiple choices on 
the table right now, given its tight relationship with kubernetes which is used 
for ONAP deployment, I suggest we give Istio a shot in Casablanca. MSB project 
is investigating the possibility of integration of Istio and ONAP right now.

2. Centralized Authentication

ONAP is a huge system consisting of many services. Currently, different 
services such as AAI, SDC, Policy etc. have their own authentication process, 
which makes ONAP difficult to use and adds burden to the individual project to 
enforce the cross-project authentication logic. We need to consider 
implementing some kind of centralized authentication, which means user login 
once and can access all the services. We also need to consider how to secure 
the access of 3-party systems by using API token or OAuth.

3. Unified API standard

Most of the projects produce RESTFul APIs for consuming, but in a 
none-consistent way. we need to define some unified standards/best practices on 
the REST API definition across the ONAP projects such as versioning, url, error 
code.  There is a draft in the wiki page: 



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