Hello Michael,


thanks for this summary mail, very helpfull.

I have just one question to that, as I still don't understand that Rancher -> Ubuntu 16.04 implication. 

Rancher can be deployed also in rhel and actually using the same script:


is ubuntu platform for OOM a must ? are you aware of any problems using RHEL ?


thank you,



PS: I still see some differences in deployments rhel/ubuntu, usually ubuntu behaves better but would like to know your opinion on that and some background info ...


--------- Original Message ---------

Sender : Michael O'Brien <frank.obr...@amdocs.com>

Date : 2018-05-15 00:01 (GMT+1)

Title : Re: [onap-discuss] Environment for Deploying ONAP

To : null<wkurk...@cisco.com>, null<onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>

CC : null<rman...@cisco.com>



   Hi, post links to which pages you are using on the wiki or readthedocs, whether you are using the automated scripts off LOG-320 – which ones, and post some of the issues you are having with details to either onap-discuss here – or on the wiki as a comment.

    I don’t have any detail on what “issues” is.


     ONAP runs on anything that supports Ubuntu 16.04 (a Rancher RI requirement) – openstack, VMWare Fusion/Workstation, AWS, Azure, GCE…..


    For reference the oom_entrypoint.sh script will work out of the box and get an onap system up (except for the single node 11O pod limit) on the azure instance ARM template defined in OOM-711/LOG-321


   We will be able to help you out and benefit the larger community with your version of deployment as well.


    Currently the oom_rancher_install.sh in LOG-325 will install on any Ubuntu 16.04 VM and bring up a fully running kubernetes cluster with helm, kubectl, docker and rancher installed.  However the script is being retrofitted to be able to do a cloud-native cluster – as you know we need at least 2 machines.

     The script can bring up the master, then run docker, the nfs share and the rancher client docker container on each host – wait for the cluster to stabilize and then remove the original host – to make a 1 + n cluster.  I have verified this works best on AWS with EFS, currently getting an Azure cluster working, openstack will work as well.  I have a 4 nuc bare metal cluster that I am also building and will post shortly.








    Thank you



From: William Kurkian -X (wkurkian - INSIGHT GLOBAL INC at Cisco) [mailto:wkurk...@cisco.com]
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 4:17 PM
 To: Michael O'Brien <frank.obr...@amdocs.com>
 Cc: Raghu Mannam -X (rmannam - INSIGHT GLOBAL INC at Cisco) <rman...@cisco.com>
 Subject: RE: Environment for Deploying ONAP


Apologies, I left out that we were using Kubernetes with Rancher, and have followed the instructions for using these.





William Kurkian

Engineer / Developer







Cisco Systems, Inc.




United States



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From: William Kurkian -X (wkurkian - INSIGHT GLOBAL INC at Cisco)
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 4:15 PM
 To: 'frank.obr...@amdocs.com' <frank.obr...@amdocs.com>
 Cc: Raghu Mannam -X (rmannam - INSIGHT GLOBAL INC at Cisco) <rman...@cisco.com>
 Subject: Environment for Deploying ONAP




My name is William Kurkian. My colleage and I are trying to setup ONAP on 2 VM environment using KVM on a linux box. We have followed the install instructions a number of times, and we are pretty confident we are doing it right at this point.


However, we are having issues that don’t seem to be shared by the community Windriver Test environment, which appears to use Openstack. We are not using Openstack, and the issues we are seeing are quite strange.


Could we be encountering issues due to not using Openstack? Does it work on environments without it?


Any help is greatly appreciated.


William Kurkian


William Kurkian

Engineer / Developer







Cisco Systems, Inc.




United States



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