Hi Steve,

At your request I wrote a detailed README describing the solution and the
example: https://github.com/tliron/puccini-bpmn/

For convenience, I will reproduce it here:

The imports directory has everything needed to generate BPMN from TOSCA.
Specifically there is bpmn.yaml
which has the type information and in turn imports bpmn.js
<https://github.com/tliron/puccini-bpmn/blob/master/imports/bpmn.js>, which
is the JavaScript code to generate BPMN.

Two TOSCA features (introduced in TOSCA 1.1) are supported:

TOSCA declarative workflows are translated into BPMN processes. Because a
TOSCA workflow is essentially a graph of steps with sequential and parallel
sections, in BPMN we must represent the graph using parallel gateways,
diverging or converging as the case may be, as well as conditional gateways
to represent step success or failure. The JavaScript analyzes the graph and
inserts the appropriate gateways between the steps.

Each step in TOSCA comprises zero or more activities that should happen in
sequence. In BPMN, all the activities in the step become a single scriptTask
entity. For now, we create a script made of pseudo-code that calls these
activities. A complete solution would require a BPM orchestration
environment and real code that would actually call node instances deployed
in a cloud.

Once the BPMN process is imported into BPM software, you may include this
process as a sub-process within other BPM processes. The workflow may or
may not hand control back to another sub-process, so that it may or may not
be a continuation of a control loop.
and Policy Triggers

Policy triggers are also translated into BPMN processes. Because the
trigger must be executed from within an orchestrator on node instances
deployed in a cloud, within configurable time intervals or schedules, this
BPM process essentially hands over control of the loop to the orchestrator.
By launching a new sub-process when triggered, control is handed back to
the business process: an open loop.

A single scriptTask entity is created for each target node of the policy,
and all are executed in parallel using diverging/converging parallel
gateways. A conditional gateway at the convergence is used to launch a new
sub-process if any of the tasks succeed. Again, the script is made of
pseudo-code that would call these operations within a BPM orchestration

Included is an example TOSCA service template, open-loop.yaml
<https://github.com/tliron/puccini-bpmn/blob/master/open-loop.yaml>. This
example demonstrates an open loop policy, notify_on_high_load, which has a
trigger that runs an operation to get the CPU load on Compute nodes. If
this operation returns true then a BPM process named NotifyUser would be

Also included is a TOSCA workflow named backup, which comprises a step
graph that calls an operation on an interface while making sure to set node
states, notify on failure, etc. This generated BPMN process can be executed
on its own, or included as a sub-process within larger business processes.
Because it does not hand control back to any other process when done, it
represents an end event within a control loop.

We've already included sample output of this example in open-loop.bpmn2

To recreate the output, run this command (tested with Puccini 0.2):

puccini-tosca compile open-loop.yaml | puccini-js exec bpmn -o open-loop.bpmn2

Also included is open-loop-design.bpmn2
which is the same file with added diagram information so that it would
appear more nicely in a BPMN GUI. We used the Eclipse BPMN2 modeler
<https://www.eclipse.org/bpmn2-modeler/> to edit the diagram.

You can import either file into your BPM software. Tested with jBPM
<https://www.jbpm.org/> 7.8.0.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 6:51 AM Steve Smokowski <ss8...@att.com> wrote:

> Is there a readme or walkthrough of how we can reproduce the demo shown?
> Or can you share the command used to take Puccini and have it output the
> bpmn?
> It appears to be something like
> -Parse CSAR using Puccini
> -Output to Clout
> -Utilize Clout output to the javascript file to transform to bpmn

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