
    Hi, the k8s cluster is sensitive to network lag or timeouts - we are 
working this out if the out of the box k8s config is sufficient for all 
cloud-native deployments.  On some systems the cluster may degrade over a 
couple days to a month - I have systems with 1500+ k8s container restarts that 
are ok after 3 weeks but on some clouds the cluster degrades faster - again the 
tool needs to be optimized fully.

How many servers in your cluster? I ask this because you either can run 1 
co-located master/cluster or 3+ nodes for etcd stability - unless you need to 
test actual failover - likely you are running multiple hosts or you would need 
the -max-pods=500 additional kubelet commands fix to go over 110.
Is your cluster saturated - try to run with under 70% ram allocation - for 
example onap currently needs 160g - so you would need 220+G for a system that 
can reschedule pods to the remaining nodes based on a node failure.

I would recommend several kubectl commands to triage your system - but if 
tiller is down then you won't be able to do these
Start with your
If you are using root as well as your ubuntu? Non-root user - you would need to 
add these in both of your profiles on the master.
Before this though - verify that the correct IP is being used when you 
registered your system either using the script or the "add host" button in the 
rancher gui.
Another thing - did the IP of your VM change (try to use static/EIPs for the 
master - or register a domain name against it. - if the IP changes then the 
.kube/config will need to be upgraded.
A third thing  - did you wait until the rancher server displayed a token 
instead of user/pass in the add-hosts - this is a bug in 1.6 which is fixed by 
waiting a couple minutes after rancher_server docker startup - like the script 
Worst case - just re-add your host(s) by regenerating the docker command from 
the gui - like the script

Did you run one of the scripts like the following to get your system up and 
hosts attached? Once you added hosts above
I ask this - just to verify you upgraded the server side of tiller
sudo helm init --upgrade

When tiller gets back up....
              Do a list of nodes - for the k8s system you should see
              Something like
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system   heapster-76b8cd7b5-g7p6n               1/1       Running   0      
kube-system   kube-dns-5d7b4487c9-jjgvg              3/3       Running   0      
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-f9577fffd-qldrw   1/1       Running   0      
kube-system   monitoring-grafana-997796fcf-g6tr7     1/1       Running   0      
kube-system   monitoring-influxdb-56fdcd96b-x2kvd    1/1       Running   0      
kube-system   tiller-deploy-54bcc55dd5-756gn         1/1       Running   0      

              Check your nodes
              Kubectl top nodes

From: <> On Behalf Of 
Ukponmwan, Itohan
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5:29 PM
Subject: [onap-discuss] Issues with Tiller (Cannot Connect to Tiller)

Hi All,

I have OOM ONAP deployed. It was working but now I have issues with connecting 
to tiller using helm or kubectl commands. When I do a helm version, I see the 

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.9.1", 
GitCommit:"20adb27c7c5868466912eebdf6664e7390ebe710", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Error: cannot connect to Tiller

Does anyone know how to fix this error? It is blocking my HPA integration 


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