Hi Helen and all,

One question for clarification, does "heat template" imply each component would 
occupy one vm instead of one container? If the answer is no, do we have a 
mature integration plan to put a group of components together into one vm 

Best Regards,

Yuan Yue

袁越 yuanyue

资深战略规划师   Senior Strategy Planner

技术规划部/技术规划部/系统产品 Technology Planning Dept./Technology Planning Dept./System 

南京市雨花区软件大道50号中兴通讯3号楼1/F,Building 3, ZTE Nanjing R&D Center II, No.50, Software 
Avenue,YuHua District,Nanjing,P.R.China 210012
T: +025 88013478 

M: +86 13851446442 
E: yuan....@zte.com.cn 


发件人: <helen.c...@huawei.com>
收件人: <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
日 期 :2017年09月19日 08:03
主 题 :[onap-tsc] [tsc]Vote: ONAP Deployment Proposal for Amsterdam Release

Dear ONAP TSC Members,


We had several discussion sessions regarding “Heat template vs OOM” with PTLs, 
a lot of emails follow ups in past 4+ weeks, and we also tested OOM and Heat 
template in Integration lab in past two weeks. Here  are our conclusions:

1.       Heat template deployment is more mature than OOM with Kubernetes at 
this moment

2.       Most of the OpenECOMP projects have done integration test with Heat 
template while Kubernetes based has not done any

3.       PTLs / key developers feel less comfortable to “learn” a new tool at 
this time


Based on above reasons, Integration team recommends to use Heat template as 
ONAP platform deployment strategy in Amsterdam Release.


Please send your email vote for “whether you approve using Heat template as 
ONAP platform deployment strategy in Amsterdam Release”, options are:

+1: approve

0: no opinion

-1: disapprove


Due: 9/20/2017, 6:00PM PDT.


Kenny, please help us collect the result. The result will impact our 
integration testing priority and integration lab resource allocation priority.



Helen Chen
ONAP-TSC mailing list

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