Here is a quick update. 

The agreed to plan this morning from the PTL meeting and in the working session 
meeting following the PTL call was to ship an external USB disk with the needed 
repos on it to Chengli.  As such I went out and purchased 2, 1TB disks for this 
purpose.   I was told later by Helen not to send a disk.  

We have continued evaluating the disk option on parallel with other work since 
that was the plan. At this point we are unsure whether this will actually work 
or not. More evaluation will be required tomorrow to make that determination.  
Nothing was sent out today.

Best Regards, 

Kenny Paul,  Technical Program Manager
> From: Kenny Paul < 
> <>>
> Date: Monday, October 23, 2017 at 8:21 AM
> To: Helen Chen 00725961 < 
> <>>, "Yang Xu (Yang, Fixed Network)" 
> < <>>, Chengli Wang 
> < <>>, 
> <>>, Jerry Flood < 
> <>>, Gary Wu < 
> <>>
> Cc: Jeremy Phelps < 
> <>>, Jessica Wagantall 
> < <>>, 
> Phil Robb < <>>, 
> Penelope Yao < <>>
> Subject: Re: Name lists for helping CMCC gerrit/git/nexus access issue
> Just ended the debugging call. 
> In the morning Chengli is going to see if the people from ZTE that are 
> on-site in the CMCC lab can use their VPN to access the data more quickly 
> from their laptops and then upload the info to the local repository.
> Thus far most of the conversation has been backchannel. I am moving the 
> conversation into the release list for public visibility  going forward.
> Best Regards, 
> -kenny
> Kenny Paul,  Technical Program Manager
> <>
> 510.766.5945
> On Oct 23, 2017, at 6:55 AM, Yunxia Chen < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi, Kenny,
> Those people on the CCed list are those you need from ONAP side to attend 
> this working session.
> Regards,
> Helen Chen

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