After a discussion with some members of the Integration team and several 
members of the community - we decided that a recording of the vFW is required - 
the same type of E2E recording we had for 1.0.
Posting/moving here publically so we can keep the discussion in the community - 
normally I would just raise the JIRA and let developers add their watch to it.

We raised the following - I think since we have at least 10's of people that we 
know of trying to run the vFW - this video is highly important so we can all 
Ideally we get any manual workarounds, pre-configuration and anything different 
from the 1.0 scenario - all the way to the TCA closed loop events.
This should cause minimal extra work to the integration team testers - if 
storage requirements are an issue - I can post it to my public Amazon S3 account
I can make an AWS S3 folder available temporarily - if video size is an issue - 
and/or reduce the resolution/size

Gildas, I understand this will show up in your daily bug query and also that 
the final decision on R1 is for Thu on the release.
The video will allow a reproduction of the vFW test for anyone running on the 
lab - several of us attend parts of the manual testing - but not all of them - 
this video will serve as a sync point for this critical E2E sanity of the vFW.  
It will also aide current efforts in fully automating the remaining 
non-ROBOT/non-REST parts of the vFW for CD jobs

JIRA contents

Turn on screen recorder in next manual vFW testing - and post to the ONAP wiki

For consumption by any other developer so they can reproduce the vFW 
with/without any documented workarounds.

This JIRA needs to block the Amsterdam release - it only requires a full E2E 

I can make an AWS S3 folder available temporarily - if video size is an issue - 
and/or reduce the resolution/size

For example in 1.0 we distributed deployment, testing and closed-loop videos 
for HEAT and later for OOM (K8S).

We need a recorded session of the E2E vFirewall use case for all 6 steps

see steps on

in init (customer create, service model create)

in vid deploy service model

in vid create service instance

in vid add vnf to service instance

in preload

in vid vf-module creation

in appc

video examples

We can then also link under

thank you

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