
so I've been watching the video of the 9 November TSC meeting, and find the
discussion of the branching model for Amsterdam quite interesting. Is this
documented anywhere on the wiki? I ask because I have a couple of questions:

 - my understanding of the stated plan is that Amsterdam will be a stable
branch off master at release time
 - that branch will receive back ported bug fixes and security fixes from
 - _all_ bug fixes will be back ported, not just high priority changes
 - features added in master will _not_ be back ported to the Amsterdam
stable branch

I'm a bit confused about the discussion of a one month maintenance release
for Amsterdam. Does that imply back ports stop after that maintenance
release? Or is that just the timeline for the _first_ maintenance release?

What about when Beijing is released? Is it another stable branch off
master? When Beijing is released, will that cause maintenance back ports to
the Amsterdam stable branch to cease?

For reference, I am quite familiar with the OpenStack stable branch model,
which is quite similar in some respects. The OpenStack community has a
sliding window for what gets back ported, as documented at
https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html .
OpenStack supports two previous releases as stable branches, but the
consistent feedback from the operator community is that they'd like to see
that period extended. The reason this hasn't happened is mainly developer
resources (but also some technical limitations around gating).

Another interesting difference is that OpenStack has a policy of only back
porting to stable branches, they never write new code directly against a
stable branch. Does the TSC have a read on what they want to do there?

As ONAP becomes more widely adopted there will be pressure from operators
to provide supported releases for longer periods, so being clear on all
this from the outset seems wise.

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