Thanks, Eric. Yes, this is foundational course from Linux Foundation. In 
addition, we have devised advanced ONAP training courses.

Other than this formative educational thread; we discussed about webinars to 
broad base ONAP knowledge. Have also written to ONAP-TSC email alias. Seek help 
and ideas.

PS. - Plan to announce first webinar of the series on Wednesday, 18th April. 
Please send your list of topic/s, speakers and proposed date. Suggest, we run 
these webinars on Wednesday. Basis # of topics; we can decide frequency.

thanks & regards,
Dhananjay Pavgi
+91 98220 22264

From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 5:49 PM
Subject: [onap-tsc] [onap-discuss] Action Plan towards Casablanca => ONAP 
introduction course

A very good EdX course on ONAP introduction "Introduction to ONAP: Complete 
Network Automation"
After reminding some basic NFV concepts, the course explains ONAP, the 
architecture, the main components and the use-case overview.
A very good introduction for beginners with a large number of cool quizzes.

A first answer for the topic "3. Broader learning and education of ONAP."

Best Regards



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