
Based on the discussions surrounding OODT-3 and OODT-15, it looks like we are 
getting very near being able to make our first Apache release (super excited!). 
I'd like to volunteer to be release manager this time around so as to better 
learn the process and to have a couple of people on the project who know how to 
do it. 

I'm expecting to close out OODT-3 with the help of legal in the next week or 
so, and, based on Chris' emails, I think he expects OODT-15 and the push-pull 
improvements he is working on to be wrapped up in the timeframe as well. I'll 
target getting a release candidate together a few days after these issues are 
resolved, though if someone has a strong feeling on any other outstanding 
issues, please let me know.


David M. Woollard, Software Engineer
Data Management Systems and Technologies Group (388J)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 91109, USA
Office: 171-243D      Phone: (818) 354-4291

"Anybody who wants to make a revolution shouldn't grab a gun. 
Just go and start working to change the world by using science 
and technology."    -Stanford Ovshinsky

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