Op 19-6-2011 12:23, Andrea Pescetti schreef:
I understand that the necessary code reorganization in the Apache
project will forbid a public release for months.

On the other hand, OpenOffice.org 3.4 beta has been out for several
weeks, is regarded by our QA testers as remarkably stable, has a
dedicated code line and it is not far from release.

Would it be possible to release OOo 3.4 on the old (Oracle-owned)
infrastructure, and maybe take advantage of this release to educate
users and volunteers about the coming new infrastructure at Apache?

This shouldn't require an exceptional effort and it would allow to show
that OpenOffice.org it in good shape and to use the momentum of a new
release to communicate better the transition to Apache. Otherwise we
really risk to confuse users and let them feel abandoned, and work on
the incubator in the next months could be less useful.

It really seems a small effort compared to the major code refactoring
needed at Apache, and I believe Oracle can state that the bugfixes on
the OOo 3.4 code line will be granted to Apache too. And the benefits
for users and communication would be immense.

Now, I take for granted that the community would support this proposal
(for one, the Italian community spent weeks to get the OOo 3.4 strings
100% translated into Italian, and our QA team is ready to start full
testing any moment). Would developers and release managers support this


+1, and prepared to put in extra effort to make it happen.


Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer.

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