On 23 Jun 2011, at 23:15, Eike Rathke wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I wade through the 908 messages that I pulled from the archive
> let me introduce myself briefly (you may already have read some of the
> following elsewhere..)
> I live in Hamburg, Germany.
> I was working on StarOffice/OpenOffice.org full time since I joined
> StarDivision in 1993, and the StarCalc spreadsheet application's team in
> 1994.
> My main field of activity is the Calc spreadsheet core engine, formula
> compiler and interpreter.
> I'm also deeply involved with the OpenOffice.org internationalization
> (i18n) framework, partly arisen from the various needs of the number
> parser/formatter used in Calc and other OOo applications, coordinating
> the related work. Support of new locales, enhancements and changes to
> locale data are my main interest there.
> Co-Lead of the OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheet application project.
> Co-Lead of the localization (l10n) project for the i18n framework.
> Since 2006 I'm a member of the OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF)
> committee, mainly working on the formula specification (OpenFormula aka
> ODFF).
> Since 2008 a (passive) liaison member of the Unicode Consortium,
> representing OpenOffice.org.
> Since 2010 an elected member of the OpenOffice.org Community Council.
> I love sailing offshore and cycling onshore.
> I'm known on the net as erAck.
> I join as an individual, not as an Oracle employee.
> OOo is my baby and I'd like to further nurture and support its
> development now that it left parental home after 18 years ;-)
> My dream is a collaboration between LO and OOo.
>  Eike

Great to hear from you again, Eike.  While my association with OOo is shorter 
and smaller than yours (and most of the other Hamburg friends who have said 
hello here) I share your dream :-)


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