As of end of day 2011-06-24, this is the state of the PPMC and the actions 
needed/underway to bring the initial committers on-board the Apache incubator podling:

              CURRENT PPMC STATUS: 

  1  champion
  7  mentor     mentor/committers (player coaches?)
                count below too
 17  PPMC            are committers not counted below
 24  committer  includes those in "PPMC?" pending 

PENDING ACTIONS - What the PPMC Is Working On
  0  invite     committer/PPMC invitation pending
  0  accepted?  waiting for acceptance and 
                initiating next steps
 32  iCLA?      waiting for CLA
  1  choose ID  invitation to choose ID pending
  3  ID chosen? waiting for choice of ID
  8  ID pending ID account creation and committer 
                addition pending
 19  PPMC?      waiting for subscription to 
                ooo-private to serve on PPMC
 35  complete   nothing further required
  3  *other*    some special completion cases: 
                declined, etc.

I intend to provide updates to this status at least weekly until the on-board 
activity is completed.

 - Dennis E. Hamilton

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