On 7 July 2011 18:29, Mathias Bauer <mathias_ba...@gmx.net> wrote:

> (1) removing code that was not compiled at all
> (2) removing code that was compiled, but not used
> (3) removing superfluous comment lines
> (4) translating comments from German to English
> (5) "real" code work: removing duplicated classes, simplifying code etc.
> The most valuable part is (5) but this is not what falls into the
> category that you have brought up, as it is not just removal of
> something, it's more code refactoring. There was some great work done in
> LO, like the removal of the "vos" library and the replacements of some
> old container classes. But again, it's more than just removing code.
> The same is true for (4).
> So we are talking about the first three cleanups. The smallest part is
> (2), but it's the most valuable part of the three, as not only the
> developers but also the users will benefit from it. There's not much of
> that kind as such code removals have been contributed to OOo until last
> summer anyway (a big "thank you" to Caolan Mc Namarra from Red Head, the
> "call catcher" magician). As far as I can see not that much has been
> added since then. Nevertheless, patches for that would be very welcome.
> So most of the time we are talking about (1) and (3). This is work I
> usually do "on the fly", when I'm at the code that contains stuff like
> that. If it helps collaboration, we could consider doing it as an end in
> itself (though it would take considerably more time doing it that way).
> If we wanted to repeat these cleanups in the OOo code base so that
> future code merges become easier, we have to do it in exactly the same
> way as it was done in LO. Let's see if patches will come.
> Wait a moment - there's something we have to do before! What was it? Ah,
> yes, we first have to get some code that can be patched! :-)

Thanks, Mathias, I think that analysis is very helpful.


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