I think election is an incorrect threshhold.  I think the comparable state 
would be taking office, and that means having the Apache user name/ID and being 
in authz for the particular project.  You can't actually perform as a committer 
until that has been accomplished.

 - Dennis

Of course, my experience is probably colored by the fact that the winner of a 
US Presidential Election (even an incumbent) is not President in the new term 
until inaugurated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Fisher [mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 12:45
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: When does one become a committer?

On Jul 23, 2011, at 11:40 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

> After we vote in a new committer, there are several steps that follow,
> including sending them an note telling them they've been voted in,
> having them return an iCLA, waiting for the iCLA to be recorded,
> choosing an Apache ID, getting an Apache account, etc.

I believe it's our choice, but there might be a minimum. I think that 
everything after the recording of the ICLA is mechanical and sometimes takes 
many days.

Maybe the policy should something like this -

(1) An individual *IS* an Apache OOo committer as soon as the following three 
conditions are met:

 - the ICLA is recorded.
 - the PPMC has passed a committer VOTE and sent the RESULTS to the Incubator 
PMC. (or they are an Initial Committer)
 - the individual accepts being a Committer by sending an email to the PPMC - 

(2) Individuals are *ENABLED* to commit Apache OOo committers as soon as the 
conditions for (1) plus the following:

 - when their Apache ID is activated and karma to the SVN is granted.

(3) An individual *IS* an Apache OOo PPMC member as soon as following 
conditions are met.

- the individual *IS* an Apache OOo committer.
- the PPMC has passed a PPMC membership VOTE and sent the RESULTS to the 
Incubator PMC. (or they are an Initial Committer)
- the individual accepts PPMC membership by joining the ooo-private@i.a.o and 
sending an email accepting membership.

I think that all other rights and duties are attained as soon as the *IS* 
condition is true.

Becoming a Committer and PPMC member will often be combined

> At what point are they considered officially to be a committer?  For
> example, at what point can they veto a code modification?

In order to have a binding veto, PPMC membership is required, otherwise 
everyone on ooo-dev can veto.

Anyone who is *ENABLED* to commit can undo, but it is bad form to do it without 
a discussion. So, the general rule of vetoing with technical explanation and 
offering an alternative applies.

> I'm trying to better understand the status of those who never complete
> the above set of steps.

If we use the policy outlined above then the individual has status as soon as 
they accept that status and provided an ICLA.

Now there is the question of whether the project has a time limit for 
individuals to accept, acknowledge and attain Committer and/or PPMC status.

If there is a time limit then it needs to start at a known point in time. A 
clear choice is the VOTE. For Initial Committers this would be June 13, 2011 
when the Apache OOo Incubator VOTE passed.

- the PPMC passes a Committer and/or PPMC VOTE (for an Initial Committer June 
13, 2011.)


- files an ICLA, if this was not done before the vote.
- the individual accepts by emailing and/or joining the ooo-private@i.a.o 
mailing list.

I think it is disruptive to the community if there is no time limit to the 
invitation. But at the same time any time limit is somewhat arbitrary. No 
response to an invitation to join a community is anti-social, and shows lack of 

A 90 day time limit is generous.

If the time limit is too short for an individual to get proper corporate sign 
off and a possible CCLA then I am sure we would accept an ICLA and the 
individual's care in knowing when it is safe for them to commit changes to SVN 
or otherwise make any contribution requiring a CCLA.


> -Rob

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