On 07/26/2011 03:53 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 26.07.2011 13:51, florent andré wrote:

But, as it simulate all svn commit, it's a little bit long...
Actually on 45/276930 revision.

well, the first 263206 revisions are the easy ones, because they're
linear :)

ha ! So looking forward to the 263207 revision ! :)

But have to be patient... now = 467/276930 !

btw, what script are you using?

This one : http://qa-ex-consultant.blogspot.com/2009/10/converting-mercurial-repo-to-subversion.html

that work (for now) not like the mercurial export plugin that says managing hg to svn export...

what will it do with merge revisions?

hummmm, I don't know ! :)

I will give you access to my svn privately for now - I don't want to stress too much my kind prepubescent server - if you want to check some specific commits.

If the process goes well to the end, what could be the next step ?
Restart this script on the apache svn or extract some kind of svn dump
from my svn-serveur and import it ?

presumably it ought to be possible and easiest to import an SVN dump,
but i'm no SVN expert...

I think so.
May ask procedure to infra if import goes well.



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