Am 08.09.2011 01:09, schrieb Raphael Bircher:
Hi Dave

This is not a buildbot or samething like that. This is the VCL Testtool. It's a Tool witch is designed to run Testcase fully automaticly. It's similar to a User interact with OOo. So it's a Gui function test.
also login to EIS seems stopped working, seems almost all services hosted by Oracle in Hamburg are now gone or offline.


Greetings Raphael

Am 08.09.11 01:00, schrieb Dave Fisher:
Hi Guys,

Apache has various build services:


On Sep 7, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi Alexandro

Am 08.09.11 00:32, schrieb Alexandro Colorado:
I can't access QUASTe, I hope this is not the lost box that was in the

I'm actualy not sure if we realy want to use Quaste. Quaste was a special tool for our automated tests. But they never worked well outside SUN. Automated Tests are a nice Idea, but there Results has to be reliably. And If you know how many menpower SUN and Oracle investegate to maintain this tests... I'm not sure if we will do the same.

Greetings Raphael

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