
On 20.09.2011 14:37, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:

2011/9/19 Jürgen Schmidt<jogischm...@googlemail.com>:
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 2:27 AM, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:



1) We need to get all files needed for the build into SVN.  Right now
there are some that are copied down from the OpenOffice.org website
during the build's bootstrap process.   Until we get the files all in
one place it is hard to get a comprehensive view of our dependencies.

do you mean to check in the files under ext_source into svn and remove it
later on when we have cleaned up the code. Or do you mean to put it
somehwere on apache extras?
I would prefer to save these binary files under apache extra if possible.

Why not just keep in in SVN?   Moving things to Apache-Extras does not
help us with the IP review.   In other words, if we have a dependency
on a OSS module that has an incompatible license, then moving that
module to Apache Extras does not make that dependency go away.  We
still need to understand the nature of the dependency: a build tool, a
dynamic runtime dependency, a statically linked library, an optional
extensions, a necessary core module.

If we find out, for example, that something in ext-sources is only
used as a build tool, and is not part of the release, then there is
nothing that prevents us from hosting it in SVN.   But if something is
a necessary library and it is under GPL, then this is a problem even
if we store it on Apache-Extras,

i am not really happy with all the binaries in the trunk tree because of
the large binary blobs and i don't expect too many changes of these
dependencies. And i would like to avoid to check them out every time.

What do others think about a structure where we have "ext_sources" besides


I like this idea.

From a developer point of view I only have to checkout "ext_sources" once and reference it from all my "trunks" using the already existing configure-switch 'with-external-tar="<path to ext_sources>"'

Best regards, Oliver.

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