Hi Christian

Am 20.09.11 15:34, schrieb Christian Grobmeier:

I meanwhile got several e-mails offlist from users who have not the
time to read the thousands of e-mails on ooo-dev and therefore have
trouble understanding things around the Apache Software Foundation and
how they relate with the OpenOffice.org podling.
There is a lake of Information in the german speeking regions yes. In the past, we make press release from the german NLC. The last information was about the 3.3 Release. Since then we have no translated news. The people who looks into the mailing lists, see that here is same activity. But they don't know what exactly we doing here. As I see, there is a load of confusion outthere. For people it's still unclair if the project will survieve or not.

If you are one of these persons and if you are able to travel to
Augsburg 22.09.2011 (this thursday!) you can participate in an 1-hour
session explaining "how the ASF" works. The event is free of charge
and is organized by the local Java User Group.
I can't be there, but yes, maybe sameone sould geve out same informations in german.

Greetings Raphael

My private Homepage: http://www.raphaelbircher.ch/

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