Am 29.09.11 22:32, schrieb TJ Frazier:
On 9/29/2011 15:51, Raphael Bircher wrote:
Am 29.09.11 21:01, schrieb Dave Fisher:
Hi Mark,

I suspect that the copy of this email to ooo-dev is caught in
moderation. Since I am subscribed I'll forward this.

FWIW - the BZ instance at is an upgraded and
migrated version of the bugzilla that Oracle hosts (which should now
be read-only.) It is not surprising that there are bugs.

Hopefully, Raphael or someone with deeper knowledge of BZ can solve
this issue, or provide a workaround. All I can do is help by routing
your issue.


On Sep 28, 2011, at 12:32 PM, Mark Bourne wrote:

After reactivating my account for the Bugzilla, I just
tried adding a comment to an issue I raised on the
However, it gives an error:
"You tried to change the Ever confirmed field from 1 to 0 , but only
a user with the required permissions may change that field. Please
press Back and try again."

I am only entering text in the "Additional Comments" box before
clicking "Save Changes". I am not changing any other fields, so no
idea why it is claiming I am trying to change the "Ever confirmed"
field. I cannot even see where that field is. Pressing Back and
trying again does not help - it does the same thing. I also tried
reloading the page in case I had changed something which wasn't reset
just by going back.

Any ideas what might be going wrong? Do I need to do anything else
after reactivating my account, before I can actually add to reports?
This is maybe a problem from the migration IssuZilla to Kenai Bugzilla,
and not from Kenai BZ to Apache BZ. Did, you have had CANCONFIRM-rights
at the old Issuezilla?

Anyway, it seems to be a permission problem. This can only solve a BZ
Admin. I heve no BZ Admin rights. And bevor we change this rights, we
schould discuss, how we will handle the BZ rights at Apache.

Greetings Raphael


Generally speaking, BZ shows you what you can and can't modify; if you see the "Additional comments" box, you should have the right to use it. In short, this sounds to me like a bug.
You are right. But the strange thing is, I'm still able to edit this field.

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