On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 11:32 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
<dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:
> These are my personal observations and I will report them to the Forum 
> Administrators also.  Any of the Forum operators can chime in here.
> There is not a formal vote that I can see.  There was a poll that ended up 
> 63% in favor, 37% opposed on the English Language forums, and I understand 
> that there were wild variances on some of the other NL forums, including 
> nobody in favor in one case.
> The reality seems to be that the move is accepted as happening.  It comes 
> down to knowing what Forum operators will stick around, which ones will 
> declare themselves interested in the iCLA -> committer -> PPMC progression, 
> etc.

The move either happens or it doesn't.  We can't migrate it 63%. Is it
worth making the plan explicit, e.g:

We're going to migrate the lists now, since the Oracle servers are
going down on Friday. All existing moderators/admins are welcome to
continue participation.  Those who chose not to continue will be
replaced immediately after the move per the Forum's existing
mechanisms for choosing admins and moderators.

> I doubt that the picture will be completely clear until the move is 
> accomplished and folks can raise their heads after the current emergency.

Well, one reason it is an emergency is we wasted almost a week in an
unnecessary show vote that ultimately brought no additional clarity.
Let's hope there is still time to make a clean transition and avoid
outage for the users.

> Meanwhile, I have asked the Forum Operators to please identify who is raising 
> their hands to take the Apache plunge.  I've also asked *them* who on the 
> PPMC is already known there that could be useful as Apache Observers (if not 
> already among the Forum operators).  This would be to serve as consultants to 
> them and especially help communicate/build-bridges/support with the Native 
> Language forums and those operators, I think.
> It might be good to find out who here on the PPMC has interest in being 
> Apache Observers: Forum registrants who have access to the administrative 
> sections and can also post there, but not take administrative actions.  (This 
> is separate from current PPMC members who are already among the Forum 
> Operators and have whatever privileges come with that.)
> This would relax the need for them to rush everything through at once while 
> having someone "on site" to observe the Forums and their orderly operation.  
> This could satisfy the PPMC that there is adequate oversight in these early 
> days, even if only on an interim/transitional basis.

My main concern is that we don't have any forum that has no one there
helping users, removing spam, etc.  When will we know if that is the

> I'm going to report this same perspective there.
>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
> Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 20:00
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [VOTE][RESULT] Acceptance of the OpenOffice.org Proposal
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@openoffice.org> 
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> > The vote to accept the proposal for governance and operation of the
>>> OpenOffice.org Forums ended at midnight, Friday 2011-10-21T24:00Z.
>>> >
>>> > There were a total of 27 +1 votes cast.  There was one "+0" vote and no
>>> -1 votes.
>>> >
>>> I don't want to assume, so can some one tell us whether the forum
>>> people have also voted to accept the proposal?
>>> -Rob
>> I see some of the mods but not all of them.
> mods == moderators?  So the vote is still going on?
> -Rob
>> --
>> *Alexandro Colorado*
>> *OpenOffice.org* Español
>> http://es.openoffice.org
>> fingerprint: E62B CF77 1BEA 0749 C0B8 50B9 3DE6 A84A 68D0 72E6

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