Hi Dave,
[First, of course, I've been following you, Kay [howdy KS!] and others
as the site has osmotically moved over to Apache; and that it has
reached the point it has to a large degree prompts my intervention (as
they say in academia, referring to participation in a conversation).
You guys really have done brilliantly, and it very much makes me
believe that the new site, the new project, the new effort has every
expectation of succeeding and doing far better than ever the old did.]

On 8 November 2011 12:05, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> On 8 November 2011 11:49, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lo...@apache.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I periodically (read: every day) receive requests from OOo community
>>>> members and OOo users to fix, alter or otherwise change the OOo site
>>>> (www.openoffice.org). These requests include such things as expunging
>>>> private information as well as normal updates.
>>>> As we all know, the old OOo site is pretty much in the past, and we
>>>> are progressively moving to the new.
>>>> But: I'd like to have some more concrete information to provide, and
>>>> ideally, be able to address the requests, too.
>>> Hopefully there is not a lot of personal information on the public
>>> website.
>> There is not. We at OOo also had a high bar—OOo site was predicated on
>> the Apache model, and that's no coincidence: Brian B. had a hand in
>> both. However, personal info does creep in when people erroneously
>> post their private information, such as phone numbers, to public
>> lists, unaware—!!— just how public the lists are.
>>  But this does happen, with mailing list archives, for
>>> example.  Apache has a policy for this.  It essentially sets a high
>>> bar for removing information from public archives:
>>> http://apache.org/foundation/public-archives.html
>>> For other information on the website, I'd recommend having them enter
>>> an issue in Bugzilla, classified as the "www" product.  Hopefully
>>> we'll be cutting over to the new Apache-hosted version of these pages
>>> soon, and we can apply requested changes then.
>> Rob, you don't get just how naive some of the users of OOo are and how
>> naive even those posting to the lists were. Perhaps you are unaware of
>> how popular OOo remains? Few of these users would even know how to
>> file an issue.
>>> Of course, if there is something of a truly urgent nature, then
>>> escalate that, via ooo-private if appropriate.
>> I am referring to www.openoffice.org/ You have not answered the
>> question—but I didn't think you could. The point is double:
>> 1. Can I alter the old site, www.openoffice.org/
> Yes, but please keep us informed as a lot has been ported to 
> ooo-site.apache.org

Right, of course; as it happens, I just tried to change some content
on the old site, using CVS and couldn't. I'll have to re-add my ssh2
key, but not sure—have not checked today—if I even  have admin
privileges there any longer.

>> 2. When will the old site fully migrate to the new, and when that
>> happens, what sort of content control would I (or someone like me)
>> have?
> The whole of the new site at ooo-site is under the Apache CMS and can be 
> edited with the webgui by a committer. Patches accepted from others.

Yes, and I'll see if at some point I merit commit status to the new
site. But do we have a schedule of delivery? I ask not to be
annoying—I do that anyway—but so that I can communicate that to those
asking me about it.
> See the podling site for instructions. Others can give details as I have to 
> run.

Thanks, I shall, and enjoy. Wish I were able to join you in
ApacheCon—but say hi to my friends there, including my colleague Rory
and also Zak.

> BR,
> Dave

>> thanks
>> louis
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Louis <-the person formerly known as the OOo Community Manager

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