
On 9 November 2011 05:25, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
> On 8 November 2011 19:23, Louis Suárez-Potts <lsuarezpo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
>> now the
>> project's representative on all three ODF TCs at Oasis, as well as its
>> representative to Software in the Public Interest.>
> Louis,
> Whilst I, as a mentor, welcome you contributions here I feel compelled
> to point out that you are not the "project's representative on all
> three ODF TCs at Oasis, as well as its representative to Software in
> the Public Interest".

Actually, that's an interesting question. I don't mean to assert a
stance I cannot hold legitimately, but earlier this year, when there
was an OOo, I was appointed that role and OOo paid for my Oasis
membership. I continue to more broadly advocate the ODF.
> Only PPMC members who are active and engaged with the project in an
> ongoing and constructive fashion can claim to be a part of the project
> and, even then, they are not "representatives" of the project. They
> are individuals who happen to have a *personal* opinion about the
> project.

I fully understand. I raised this issue with some members of the Oasis
ODF TCs. Again, I don't mean to assert untenable or illegitimate

> Occasionally the PPMC may appoint someone to speak for the project in
> various forums. To my knowledge the OOo PPMC has not yet granted
> approval for anyone to speak on the projects behalf.
> Is this an important point? Probably not in the bigger scheme of
> things. However, this is a podling learning how ASF projects work and
> therefore, as a mentor, I feel compelled to point out that a signature
> of this form is not appropriate in an Apache Project - regardless of
> how constructive your contributions are.

Thanks. This gets confusing, if not for me (it isn't), then outside of
my own particular carapace. What I'll do is re-cast my shadow to be
representing me, Louis, in personae Louis, and if my interests and
those of Apache OOo coincide, then whoopee.


> Ross
> --
> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
> Programme Leader (Open Development)
> OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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