On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 3:59 AM, Frank Peters<fpe.mli...@googlemail.com>  wrote:
if you refer to the training material, it was managed by
Oracle University and was completely outside the code source

Oracle Japan has got a Japanese page for it.
It says, "OpenOffice.org is one of the coolest things to come along in
a long time. It's powerful, flexible and it's free. Even though
OpenOffice.org is free, you will need to invest some time learning it.
OpenOffice.org is a fantastic program but, like any other program, it
will take a while to learn to become efficient at using the various
applications." and "You can get OpenOffice.org Certification."
It introduces "OpenOffice.org Training"

Oracle University offers "Learning Paths"
Desktop Software
     OpenOffice.org Writer
     OpenOffice.org Calc
     OpenOffice.org Impress

And Certification.
A Sun certification recognizes and rewards your skills, dedication,
and motivation in the highly competitive technology industry.
     Oracle Certified Expert, OpenOffice.org Writer
     Oracle Certified Expert, OpenOffice.org Calc
     Oracle Certified Expert, OpenOffice.org Impress
Great! isn't it?

Yes, that is it. Evidently, Oracle did not clean up every
corner accurately.


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