On 2011-12-23, at 12:12 , Kay Schenk wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Andrea Pescetti 
> <pesce...@openoffice.org>wrote:
>> Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> [...] I left the N-L contacts alone for now, since I don't know what
>>> the status of that is.
>> It is equally outdated, but it would probably be better to write "Contact"
>> instead of "Project Lead" in the table header at http://ooo-site.staging.*
>> *apache.org/projects/native-**lang.html<http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/projects/native-lang.html>
>> While still being wrong in quite a few cases, this at least doesn't
>> suggest that there is an organized hierarchy in the Apache OpenOffice
>> subprojects/teams.
>> I'm not changing this myself to avoid commit conflicts during migration.
>> Regards,
>> Andrea.
> Excellent suggestion, Andrea! "Contacts" it is for N-L page!

Totally agree. The reason I chose to use "Project Lead" lies rooted in my 
squishy anarchism. CollabNet had a term they chose, "project owner" (remember, 
our old infrastructure, later named CollabNet, was based on, uhm, Apache's, 
courtesy Brian B and others who sort of founded the thing that became Apache 
SF).  "Owner" sounded, I don't know, proprietary. "Lead" sounded, at least to 
me, more neutral: one was "leading" not "owning." And in open source, as Brian 
and I have many times said, you lead by doing. Brian calls it a "do-ocracy," 
which sort of finesses the problematic of meritocracy vs. democracy (the two 
need sequence to survive each other).

But power is as power does and a rose is a rose is a rose and will smell as 
sweet and prick as sharp no matter what wee call it.

The power structure of Ye Olde OOo determined things. Sadly, not names.

But a new year is upon us and a new field before us. Apache has proven itself 
to be great, and there is every reason to take from the past what we need but 
not what we don't want.

So, Happy Chanukah, Winter Solstice, every other seasonal holiday, and even 
better, Happy New Year (I can get bubbly for that.)


> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
> by the way its animals are treated."
>                              -- Mohandas Gandhi

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