On 1/16/12 12:24 PM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:

On 16.01.2012 10:37, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
Hi Oliver, Ariel,

i submitted minor branding relevant changes to get an impression how
it can look
like (nothing 100#% final if decide to change it).

I would like to propose that we prepare a new set of developer
snapshots based
on this version.

I have already started to build ...

- openofficedev_en-US
- a multilingual office - openofficedev_en-US_de_fr_es_it_ja_zh-CN_pt-BR
- language packs
- sdkoodev

If you have time it would be perfect if you can provide the windows
and Linux

I have started the preparation (update local repository) of these builds
and will start building soon.

great, let me know when the builds are available and i will extend the new wiki page (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Unofficial+Developer+Snapshots) where I have already linked to my MacOS developer snapshots.

@Ariel: please let me know if you can't provide new builds based on this revision. I will then setup my vbox to prepare the new builds.

I think it would be perfect when we try to provide new builds at least once a week (for example on Monday/Tuesday) based on the same revision. This way we can ensure that others can start with testing already and that we have a more or less aligned and coordinated process to provide these snapshot builds until we have build-bots for all platforms available.


Best regards, Oliver.

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