Sorry for late reply….

On 25 January 2012 13:20, drew <d...@baseanswers.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I put this request to the infra ML the other day, but likely should of
> put it here first.
> I would like to get a copy of the Drupal code currently running the
> extension and template sites.
> After re-branding, of course, and other changes TBD would use this for
> distribution with the Small Business Server VM I'm working on -
> specifically: use as a OTB local repository service.

What would be a real use case scenario? Being concrete here would be
useful, though I doubt it would affect the decision.

> License wise for the custom modules etc, from what I gather would have
> to be GPL2 or newer so for hosting of custom pieces sourceforge would
> seem a natural fit in this case :)
> Speaking of SF - I suppose it could be done that way also, instead of
> getting the code via ASF, acquire it from SF.

Yes, but I tend to think, from experience, that centralizing efforts
actually helps things, though SF is such well-trod territory that I
doubt there'd be surprises. My reasoning has to do not with proximate
location but license coherence. Not much of an issue here, now, but it
could be, as we are all aware.
> Anyway not a big rush for my purposes but would like to get the ball
> rolling if possible.
> Any thoughts, suggestions would be most welcomed.

If I understand you rightly, I think the more ideas you have on this
subject you are willing to share, the better.
> Thanks,
> //drew

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