On 22/01/2012 RGB ES wrote:
== Context sensitive toolbars ==
Context sensitive toolbars are a really useful feature but new users
tend to not like them because by default they appear on not so useful
places... like on top of the table you are trying to edit. IMHO,
anchoring by default those toolbars on the bottom of the window will
give better user experience.

Yes. Even better would be anchoring them on the right hand side, but the page will redraw when they move out of the object... Anyway, I agree that toolbars that get in the way are a common annoyance for users, so they should be anchored by default.

== Autocorrect options ==
There are several autocorrect options that create confusion among new
(and not so new) users.

On this one I'm less sure: there are probably as many (if not more) users who do rely on these features, and if we disbale them by default we will see a lot of requests on how to enable them.

Probably the only one that can be safely considered annoying is Number Recognition in tables.

== Word Completion ==
... Checking under Tools → AutoCorrect Options → Word Completion tab the
option "Show as a tip" provides a far better user experience and make
it more clear that this is a suggestion and not something imposed by

Indeed, this one should really be changed for better usability.

== Toolbar buttons ==
Do we need a Zoom button when we have a nice Zoom toolbar bottom right
on the window?

Well, not everybody is familiar with the slider, and I don't find it so annoying.

What do you think?

Better defaults are indeed low-hanging fruits that can make the difference in usability. If we have consensus in changing at least the items listed here, this would already be nice.


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