On 24/01/2012 Rupert wrote:
I am writing to let you know that I am currently not able to log in to
the OpenOffice template website (I do have a valid user name & password) ...
Also, while it is possible to download templates, often the website page
needs refreshing several times before it appears.

Dear Rupert,
both problems are known and are expected to be addressed in time for the 3.4 release.

Specifically, the instability has been discussed for several months, while the user login problems are possibly related to the DNS migration done in the last days of 2011 (you will see that your password still works on http://openoffice.org/people/login but of course this doesn't give you access to the Templates site).

Although we are speaking of two completely different sites, the problems of the Extensions and Templates sites are usually lumped together, and referred to as problems with "the Extensions site": you will find many messages in the mailing list archives about this.


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