Am 01.03.12 15:38, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:
On 3/1/12 3:32 PM, Raphael Bircher wrote:
Am 01.03.12 15:28, schrieb Rory O'Farrell:
On Thu, 1 Mar 2012 14:16:33 +0000
Ross Gardler<> wrote:

I'm assuming no dictionary is included since every word I have
is reported as being spelt wrong.
As far as I know the dictionaries are installed locally, not
included with the file. Check the language selected for the
document, which should be shown on the Status Bar at window
bottom. If this does not fit your default language, you shuold be
able to Select All, then /Tools /Language: For all text (or for
selection - On some versions of OOo For all text didn't work
reliably, but For selection did) and change to your default
language, which might help the spell check.
And at AOO you have to install a dic extension first. Because the
license we can not ship it with AOO. Dic's are maintained outside the

As you can see users would be confused and we are working on bundling dictionaries (downloaded from the extension repo) with the binary releases. I don't have the jira issue in place but I think that this way of bundling the pre-built binary extensions is allowed.
The problem is not realy that there is no dic. The problem is that the spellchecker works without dic. It would be not so confusing if you see no red lines ;-) It would be good if the spellchecker put a message "no dicionary installed" an the screen instead of working without dic. But this is more a low priority issue.

But we still need feedback about the dictionaries people would like to bundle for their language. See
As I know, German dictionaries are maintained by Karl Zeiler

Reminder, if we don't get the feedback we only focus on some obvious dictionaries and let it up to the users to install them


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