
I read all emails (possible) about our wikis, but not found the logic
of when use one or other wiki - cwiki or mediawiki (what caused my
mistake when i tried to contribute to localization procedure page).
When i see propositions for project goes to cwiki, and procedures
(like localization) to mediawiki. IMHO, after try many softwares, i
was obliged in to agree that the userfriendly and useful interface of
mediawiki for final user or not technical volunteer.

My doubt is what is the logic to write in one or other wiki?

In other hand, what is the destination of content in mediawiki? Can we
reuse, organize and update there content? This question bring the
second point: multilingual wiki.

Looking the localization process, we already have some translations
and i not understand why we haven't a localization toolbar in our
pages (a bar in top of page, where we can select the base language).

If we have interesting in continue working with mediawiki, i can help
in manage the content with focus to give us a good information
architecture and multilingual support.


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