On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 4/11/12, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Social media outreach, via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc., is an
>>>> important part of outreach to users. Although the Apache developer
>>>> community is firmly rooted in mailing lists, we know that our users
>>>> live in a different world.   If we want to engage with them we need to
>>>> use the tools that they use, and communicate the way they communicate.
>>>> Now that we're very close to the AOO 3.4 release, I'd like to start
>>>> with a project Twitter account, under PPMC control.
>>>> By "under PPMC control" I mean something similar to how we treat the
>>>> project blog:
>>>> -- Any PPMC member, upon request, can have write access.
>>>> -- We can use the project's official logo in conjunction with the account.
>>>> -- We would promote the account on our project's website.
>>>> -- We would generally treat the account as an official voice of the
>>>> project, not as a personal account.
>>>> I'm not saying we need to pre-review and and approve every "tweet"
>>>> sent through the account.  But we should set expectations that the
>>>> account is to be used in a professional fashion, upholding the
>>>> standards of this project, not used to settle personal disputes, to
>>>> promote personal business, etc.
>>>> There are already several Twitter accounts that use the OOo name or
>>>> trademarks:
>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/openofficeorg  --- This account has 1571
>>>> followers.  But it is not sharing any AOO status, no links to blog
>>>> posts, announcements, etc.  Who controls it?  Are
>>>> we able to get it under PPMC control?  Can we rebrand it as Apache
>>>> OpenOffice?
>>> Hi Alexandro -- Is the above your Twitter account?  If so, would you
>>> be willing to contribute it to the AOO project, so we can rebrand it
>>> and allow other PMC members to have write access to it, etc.?
>> Not sure what u mean to contribute it to AOO project, is that a
>> specific email? I can rebrand it, the account used to sit  on a
>> service that allow multiple people to manage it, unfortunately the
>> service is no longer being offered. So I need to look for something
>> similar.

Hi Alexandro,

I did not see any response from you.   Did you see this post?


> Hi Alexandro,
> Sorry, this probably makes more sense if you read the thread from the start:
> http://markmail.org/message/f3o37t2ostyqe3sy
> By "contribute to the AOO project" I mean give control to the AOO PMC,
> so we can use it as a project-wide account, similar to how we treat
> the blog:
> -- Any PPMC member, upon request, can have write access.
> -- We can use the project's official logo in conjunction with the account.
> -- We would promote the account on our project's website.
> -- We would generally treat the account as an official voice of the
> project, not as a personal account.
> To implement this sort of group control we would need to look at some
> service like BirdHerd or similar for individual authors, and then have
> the "root" login given to Apache Infra to store securely.  Or
> something like that.

> -Rob
>>> -Rob
>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/openoffice -- This account seems unused.  Only one
>>>> tweet.
>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/freeopenoffice -- spammer account.  Links to
>>>> http://www.downloadopenofficefree.com/.
>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/ApacheOO -- I created this account, though have
>>>> never used it.  Unfortunately, "Apache OpenOffice" is too long for a
>>>> Twitter account name.  So "ApacheOO" is the closest I got.   I would
>>>> offer this account to the PPMC if we are not able to get use of the
>>>> http://twitter.com/#!/openofficeorg account.
>>>> Proposed actions:
>>>> 1) I'll send note (or Tweet) to http://twitter.com/#!/openofficeorg
>>>> acccount, asking if the owner would be willing to make the account
>>>> available to the AOO PPMC for project use.  If we get a favorable
>>>> response then we would start using that account, rebrand it, promote
>>>> it, etc.
>>>> 2) If there is no favorable response to the above, then we would go
>>>> forward with promoting the http://twitter.com/#!/ApacheOO account.
>>>> 3) The PPMC could decide, at a later point, to invoke Twitter's
>>>> trademark policy to register complaints about accounts that misuse our
>>>> trademarks in ways that harm our users:
>>>> https://support.twitter.com/articles/18367.  But I don't see an
>>>> imminent need for that.
>>>> -Rob
>> --
>> Alexandro Colorado
>> OpenOffice.org Español
>> http://es.openoffice.org

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