On 16/04/2012 xia zhao wrote:
2012/4/16 Andrea Pescetti
Sure, and it was great work. But those tests were run on versions that are
now quite outdated. Example: the spell check test asks you to verify that
no spell check is available and that dictionaries have been removed
accurately, while we all know that things are quite different in current
How do you means "tests were run on versions that are now quite outdated"?

http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/QA/TestCases/ has several testcases that would only apply to older builds (like: testing removal of dictionaries, but these are now bundled; testing removal of fonts, but these are now replaced; testing removal of HTTP features, but in the meantime those have been replaced too).

1) Full QA is run on what we release. We need to ensure that OpenOffice
works now, not that previous builds worked.
    Agree if the "Full" here means  test matrix on full platforms and full
langauges. The "OpenOffice" you means here I understand is AOO. For AOO,
the problem is we lost manual test cases

I wouldn't despair that we get them back at some point: as I wrote a long time ago, it would be enough to receive the test cases, the infrastructure for running them can be replaced.


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