Hi Claudio;

First of all the mandatory disclaimer that I am not a 
lawyer either :-).


--- Dom 29/4/12, Claudio Filho <filh...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hi
> I am not a lawer but i did a work of licenses some time
> ago[1], and i read many of main licenses, and a thing
> that i listened in all was that only the license holder
> can changes his work. So, my ask is:
> Oracle gave permission to TDF to add GPL and MPL for LibO?

AFAICT, LibO doesn't have permission to change the license
so they can add licenses on top of it only if they don't
contradict the original license (LGPLv3).

It's also unclear if they will be able to relicense based
on our code but that's an exercise that I'll leave for
them (and Oracle).


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