
2012/5/3 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> I think we should have an official Facebook "fan page" in time for the
> release of Apache OpenOffice 3.4.  I think this is critical, since the
> average end user does not subscribe to mailing lists, or even use
> Google+ or Twitter.  But almost every user, current and potential,
> does use Facebook.  So it is our best opportunity for engaging with
> users.
> Here is the proposed page: http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO
Like the page! :)

> I need your help in managing and running this page.   I'm offering to
> hand total control of this page over to the PPMC.  If anyone (from the
> PPMC) wants to be co-admin on this account, please send me an email
> address associated with your Facebook account.   You can send this to
> me via private email if you prefer.
> So, is anyone willing to help?
> Also, if you are not a PPMC member, but would still like to help, this
> is very welcome as well, from all volunteers:
> 1) "Like" the page
> 2) Share the page with your friends
> 3) If you find interesting stories or tips related to OpenOffice, post
> them on our Wall
> 4) If you have interesting photos or stories of the history of
> OpenOffice, add them to our Timeline
> 5) Visit the page regularly and add comments to posts, and generally
> help with any user questions.

> With this page, we'll have a good set of social media accounts ready
> for the AOO 3.4 launch, including Google+, Twitter, Identi.ca and
> Xing, a Facebook group (which is different than a FB fan page), as
> well as a Brazilian Twitter and Indenti.ca account.

Identi.ca and twitter brazilian @apacheoobr

I'll also create page in facebook brazil:


The have in same thinking you Rob about the page(s).

> Note that with Facebook every page admin is equal and even has the
> ability to remove other admins, including removing me.  So I have
> absolutely no exclusive special privileges.   I'm reserving nothing.
> I'm giving the page over entirely to the PPMC.
> Finally, please know that I've made every effort to get the existing
> OpenOffice.org FB page made available for our use.  I've asked
> repeatedly [1][2] for this, as well as provided detailed technical
> steps [3] needed to make this transition.  I think it was worth the
> effort to try to make that work, but sadly, this has failed to occur.
>  However, we still have enough time (barely) to have a new page ready
> for the AOO 3.4 launch, and to promote this page and turn it into
> another way in which we can engage with our users in the future.    So
> I hope I have your support.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119297
> [2] http://markmail.org/message/27wxv4h2mwpahyel
> [3] http://markmail.org/message/p5z5o2g74qe6rl6j
> Regards,
> -Rob


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