On 06/13/2012 09:11 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 07:45:49PM -0700, Kay Schenk wrote:
yeah-- I was definitely thinking of extending the /images/AOO_logos
to house JUST the logos...

ooo-site/content/images/AOO_logos/svg/OOo_Website_v2_copy.svg is not
really an svg file, but an svg with a raster image embedded.

Can you upload the original SVG file for this,

What I used was from this page:


this svg...


Is this not right?

You have two ways to test if this is a true svg graphic or a raster

- open the file with an SVG editor or viewer, zoom the picture: if this
   svg has only a raster embedded, then when zooming you get to see the
   image individual pixels as squares
- open the file with a plain text editor: in a real svg graphic you see
   only mark up code; if a raster image is embedded, you see the image
   content, encoded. This is the case with the image of the link from

<image x="1100" y="7000" width="25401" height="8461" 

and you see all the image content encoded.  So it is a raster image
embedded on an svg file, not a real svg graphic.  You can zoom the real
vector graphics without quality loss, you don't get "pixel squares"; of
course, wikipedia explains it better than me ;)

With the original SVG graphic it's possible to generate raster graphics
of any size without quality loss.


Ariel, thanks...

I won't go into what happened when I tried to deal with the svg file a day or so ago. I am NOT a graphics person...I'll work on this some more. I can always learn new things as long as there's no risk of bone fractures! :)


"There's no crying in baseball!"
       -- Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks), "A League of Their Own"

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