Oliver,thanks a lot for your effort to look at this issue.Currently,there
isn't any issue about it in AOO Bugzilla.Our qe will help to open one for
it.And I will attach my samples for your reference.Good Weekend!

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <
orwittm...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 15.06.2012 10:26, chengjh wrote:
>> There is an enhancement in OO 2.0.3, delivered with the name
>> "Compatibility
>> option: Keep-with-next attribute for table rows".
>> The details of the feature can be gotten from
>> http://www.openoffice.org/**development/releases/2.0.3.**html<http://www.openoffice.org/development/releases/2.0.3.html>.
>> A new (non-UI)
>> compatibility option "TableRowKeep" has been added to Writer documents. If
>> this option is enabled, a table row can be forced to keep together with
>> the
>> next row by setting the keep-with-next attribute to the first paragraph
>> within the first cell of this row. If this row is the last row of a table,
>> the last row tries to keep together with the next content behind the
>> table.
>> This compatibility option is disabled per default and enabled during
>> ww8/rtf import.
>> This enhancement try to provide the behavior and layout compatibility of
>> MS
>> Word's table,within which the first para of the cell has the "Keep with
>> next(Paragraph Dialog->Line and Page Breaks in MS Word)"..
>> This enhancement still has something to do in order to provide completed
>> compatibility.The known cases provided by "TableRowKeep" Feature as
>> followed:
>> *a)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with
>> next"
>> attribute of the first para of the first row&column will works as normal,
>> The first row will not be moved to new page..*But if the contents within
>> the first row is enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will
>> not split, the part beyond page will be truncated in AOO..*
>> *b)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with
>> next"
>> attribute of the first para of the 1 column/ 2 row  will make table from
>> the second row, moved to new page..*But if the contents within the second
>> row is enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will not
>> split, the part beyond page will be truncated **in AOO**..*
>> *c)*If the table is the first lower content of a page, the "keep with
>> next"
>> attribute of the first para of the first row&column and  the 1 column/ 2
>> row will works as normal, not moved to new page in MS Word..In AOO,the
>> table from the second row will be moved to new page..That's the
>> difference..Moreover,* if the contents within the First or second row is
>> enough to be beyond the height of the page,the row will not split, the
>> part
>> beyond page will be truncated** in AOO**..*
>> This problem is related to the formatting of table and impact the table
>> formatting procedure deeply.Anyone is interesting in it?Thanks.
> I am remembering the implemenation of this feature - a former colleague
> had implemented it.
> I will have a look at the corresponding code.
> Jianhong Cheng: Do you have a sample document already? Does there already
> exist a corresponding issue in AOO Bugzilla?
> Best regards, Oliver.


Best Regards,Jianhong Cheng

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